Secret Society

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Chapter 1

"Please. Please. Please. Please. It's one day Renee! One single day!" I tugged at the knitted fabric of my best friends favorite jumper. We were currently weaving in and out of people as we slowly made our way to 7th period chemistry.

"You and I both know the coaches will kill me if I miss swim practice. Even if it is one single day!" Renee snapped at me. Renee Sterling was beyond a doubt the smartest girl in our grade. She was third in our class and somehow still managed to be co-captain of the swim team even as a sophomore. She had platinum blond hair that fell to her shoulders and sterling silver eyes to match her last name.

"Oh yeah? Then how come I hear Evan's going?" I smirked as I saw her pale cheeks change from white to red. Evan Morgan was Renee's crush ever since freshman year last year. He was co-captain along with Renee and was currently a Junior.

"Well then it's decided I can't go. The team needs at least one captain there," Renee decided while nodding her head as if to confirm the decision.

"Agh! For once in your life have some fun! This is supposed to be the best party of the semester!" I groaned. It was painful being Renee's friend. There were no shopping days. No going to a midnight premiere. No double dates. Although that last one wasn't entirely her fault.

"I'll think about it ok?! Now go sit in your own seat before Mr. Terry comes in!" Renee scolded her friend as she took her own seat in the front row.

"Yeah ok whatever. You better come though," I pointed her finger at Renee before scurrying to the back row and hopping into my new seat.

My old seat next to Renee being occupied by Zach Barber. A cute golf player who was one of the biggest trouble makers in the entire school. That's why he got my spot. It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I never stopped talking to Renee. Or asked her for help with almost every assignment. Definitely had nothing to do with that.

I was currently sitting next to Haley Pierson and Ty Hale. They were both friends. Not close friends, but friends. Haley was the schools drama queen, meaning if the conversation lasted longer than 10 minutes she would start rambling about herself. Ty Hale was another story, he was a track and cross country star who was barely ever awake, but when he was the class seemed to fly by because of his constant joking.

"Hey Lauren! I hear we have a sub today," thank goodness it was an awake day. Like always Ty continuously got us into trouble by making me laugh to hard, but who cares we were only doing busy work.

Ding! The bell dismissed us from the awful lecture of our old hag of a substitute. Yes! One more period and it was time to get ready for the most kick ass party of the semester!

"Hey. I know you have swimming next so you better tell your coaches!" I gave Renee a stern look as I passed her in the hall. She was going to the swim center behind the main building while I got to go sit in a freezing theatre and watch people perform crappy self written plays. So unfair.

After 50 agonizing minutes of people laughing and screwing up lines on stage it was time to meet Renee and leave this torturous place. I pulled out my slick black iPhone only to see the picture of me and Renee in front of a store mirror dressed as gangsters. No messages. That's weird she always texts me. I guess I'll just have to go get her myself.

Sadly the coaches are religious about no visitors or interruptions. Meaning all doors were locked, the blinds pulled down, and even a sign on every door saying "Sorry coaches and swimmers ONLY". As I approached the swim center it looked like it always did. The same signs, blinds and locks. As I went to sit on the steps right outside the center I saw something new. A door with a tiny stick forbidding it to close and lock.

"Just my luck," I smirked to myself as I sneakily ran to the door. I stepped into the swim center and felt the same humid air I always did during meets, but the splashing was different than usual. It sounding more like fins than hands and legs. Fins? Wow. These pool chemicals are getting to me and I'm not even in the water! That's new. I walked over to the where I could actually see the pool. I was careful to make sure no one saw me especially the coaches.

As soon as I stepped into view of the pool I dropped my bag onto the wet concrete as my eyes grew to the size of plates. My breathe hitched in my throat and I froze. Only one thought consuming my entire mind.

Oh. My. Normal


Hey! This is my first official story, so postive criticism is definitly welcome! Thanks for reading , and I hope you enjoy!<3

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