Chapter 6~ Intended to Know

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-Lauren's POV-

I hated getting ready for bed. It was just a long process keeping me from my true love. Sleep. I was currently making funny faces at myself in the mirror while brushing my teeth.

The events of today kept playing through my mind. I woke up and life was normal. Then I pass out, wake up and life wasn't so normal. And that party! Why was Aiden all of a sudden being so possessive of me? Before I found out about all of this he never even gave me a second look. He was always making out with different girls in the hall ways. Going to party's to hook up with girls. And all in all just staying out of my life.

Ding-Dong! Who in the world is at my house? You'd think everyone would be tired from the party. Unless it was someone for my dad? Ever since I was little dad would get all kinds of visitors all hours of the day and night. I quickly finished brushing my teeth and crept to the top of the stair case to get a view of the visitor.

My dad came into view a few seconds later and opened the door to find a crying Renee. I was frozen in my spot. What had happened?! Renee never cried. She's one of those girls whose life was perfect. Perfect grades. Got the guys. Captain of the swim team. So what in the world was happening?

"Mr. Buchanan!" Renee's crying stopped and a look of shock came over her features. "I-I'm so sorry sir! I just needed to talk to Lauren sir. You don't mind me staying the night do you sir? I can leave now if you don't want me here sir," Renee was always overly polite to my dad. Then again everyone was. I never really questioned it, but right now while she was obviously upset? What was going on here?

"Renee?" I called from the top of the stairs. I was scared my dad would get mad at me like he usually did when I eavesdropped, but this was my best friend I kind of had a right? "Are you ok babe?" I asked making me way down the stairs and pulling her into a hug.

She broke down in my arms and sobbed. My dad gave a pitying look before speaking up, "Would you like your mom to know where you are? I understand if you don't. I'll be perfectly fine with lying. It'd be nice to do something even remotely fun. I never get to goof off anymore," my dad told her giving a knowing and sincere smile.

Renee smiled a small broken smile before nodding her head and choking out, "Yes sir that would be lovely. And thank you sir for letting me stay." I picked up her small bag and headed up to my room with Renee in tow.

When we got to my room she collapsed on my bed and just sobbed. I slowly set her bag down on my white carpet floor and closed my door. I never knew what to do in these situations. I was usually the emotional one who showed up crying on her doorstep. Although that was only five times. At most. I think.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't know what to do. I know you don't know what's going on. And your dad doesn't want you knowing everything right now. But I really need my best friend," Renee sobbed out. Her voice was cracking and she sounded choked. What didn't I know? Yeah ok. I didn't know she was a mermaid. But how much did I not know about my best friend?

-Renee's POV-

I know it wasn't fair of me to dump all this drama on Lauren. Heck! Before a few hours ago she didn't know any thing like this even existed! She sat there patiently on the edge of her bed looking at me intently so I knew she was listening.

"Someone told my mom I was at the party," I said as soon as she sat down. She looked at me in shock. I knew exactly what she was thinking. Who had snitched?

"You don't think anyone told my dad do you?" She asked clear worry plastered on her face.

"I doubt it. No one wants to be the one to tell the Alph- I mean your dad that his daughter went to a party," I said. I know what your thinking. Couldn't he hear? Probably. But after seeing me bawl my eys out on his porch I doubt he wanted to listen in.

"Ok? But I'm sure that's not why your here. What did your mom say? Was it about Evan?!" Lauren whispered. 

"I figured it out when I was 9. Apparently it's been planned since our moms found out they were pregnant. They said it would be great for our two kinds to combine together. The highly respected Mermaids, us the Sterlings, and the best known Vampires, them the Clardy's," it was weird explaining this. Everyone around here already knew. But it felt nice for someone not to know my horrific fate. I figured it would be easier saying this. Lauren was bright she would figure out this is what my mom had said. This is why I was broken down and smearing mascara all over her expensive duvet.

"Whoa! Wait a second! Jacob Clardy, my ex-boyfriend, is a vampire?!" Lauren exclaimed obviously freaking out. Oops I forgot they had dated. This must be quite the shock.

"Yeah.... And we're intended," I whispered. I couldn't look her in the eye. It's like when you admit to your mom you were the one who took the last cookie but you let your brother take the blame instead. I was starring intently at her bright green duvet. Almost the color of Aidens eyes, I smirked to myself.

"When?" Lauren breathes out.

"As soon as we finish high school," fresh tears pooled my eyes as I thought about it. I only had two years left before I was going to be prodded down the aisle with a sharp spear, and forced to marry the man of my nightmares.

Lauren gave me a sympathetic look before hugging me to her and letting me cry. And cry I did. I bawled out my eyes not bothering to quite my sobs. I knew Mr. Buchanan could hear me, yet after what he told me earlier I knew he saw me more as his daughters best friend than as the girl whose marrying that guy right out of high school.

It didn't take long for me to cry myself out and fall asleep in Lauren's bed. It was so comfy. The last thing I remember was Lauren tucking me in and her whispering, "I think I'm going to talk to my dad for a bit."

-Aiden's POV-

I've been pacing in front of the Buchanan household for 4 hours now. The moon was shining down and casting shadows across their yard. Lauren's window was slightly open and light was pouring our of it.

I jogged over and sat at the edge of the house closest to her window. My black fur helping to conceal me should anyone be looking in the yard. I heard muffled voices and sobs coming from her room. Was Lauren crying?! No. No I've heard her cry and these were not her sobs. Thank goodness.

"Night Renee," I heard Lauren say before hearing a door open and close. So Renee was crying. Did Lauren know about the marriage then? If she could handle Renee's love life maybe she could handle her own. I shifted to my human form as I walked up the steps and up to the big oak door. I took a deep breath and before I could even knock Mr. Buchanan opened the door.

"Why are you here?" He growled his voice low so he wouldn't be heard. I knew this was stupid. Standing up to the Alpha and the Tribe Leader. It's stupid to defy him. Stupid to ignore his warnings. Stupid to show up at his house in the middle of the night to do exactly what he's told me not to.

But love makes you do stupid things.

"Lauren. I want to see Lauren. I want to take her out. Even if we only get to walk across your yard and talk about Chemistry. Sir. I need to be with her," I told him. My eyes pleading with his unforgivable gaze silently judging me. His eyes were just like hers. Blue green like the ocean. But his were wiser and more judgmental while hers were playful and full of life.

I saw her approach the top of the stairs and couldn't help but stare at her. Her hair was in a messy bun with little pieces falling out it the most adorable ways. She was in a small tank top that showed off her summer tan that hadn't yet faded, and polka dotted short shorts that made her long legs look longer than before. It took all my will power to stay where I was.

"I believe you should leave now Aiden," Mr. Buchanan gave me a pointed look. Even though his words were polite and his tone wasn't to aggressive you could hear the underlined command that I knew I would have to obey. I went to turn around as Lauren said something that caused my heart to leap.

" Daddy. We need to talk. And I think I would like Aiden to stay if that's alright with you? I have a few questions for him."

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