Chapter 5~ Short Tempers

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  -Aiden's POV-

Everyone had left shortly after the arrival of my parents. No one had to be told once before running out like a pack of wild dogs. Of course about a third of them were. Me and Eden were currently sitting on the torn couch. Our huge coffee table was laying in a pile of glass that was once its top. Trash was littering the floor and furniture was everywhere and not in whole pieces either, but in tiny splinters. The couch was the only thing not completely ruined. Sure it had a few rips but nothing to serious. My mom sighed every few seconds while muttering spells under her breath to make the cleaning faster.

"I have never been so disappointed in you two!" Pure hell shone through my dads normally calm eyes. He was livid.

Eden was sitting there next to me bawling her eyes out. She was daddy's little princess and getting yelled at was way out of her comfort zone. Her mascara was running down her cheeks and her body was wracking with sobs. I on the other hand was getting comfortable. I was used to these little "lectures". My fingers started picking out a bit of fluff that was pouring out of a rip that could only have been caused by claws. By the look in my dad eyes I would guess this was going to last about 6 hours.

"Not only going to a party, but bringing it over to our house?! What was going through your head? Nothing! That's what! And getting in a fight?!" His gaze was switching back a forth between me and Eden. Eden started sobbing harder than before. Dads voice was loud enough to wake the neighbors but not yet loud enough to shatter the windows. Sadly that's a regular thing.

"I-I'm s-s-so s-sorry! I d-didn't want L-Lauren to get left out! S-Sama-antha w-wouldn't have even f-found her if ," hiccup, "Aiden didn't start to b-beat up J-Jacob," it took me a whole second to realize what she said. I was used to her crying to get out of trouble and I usually let it go. Mostly because the years were real. But throwing me under the bus and using me as a scapegoat? That was a new low. I shot her a cold glare hoping she got the message to sleep with one eye open tonight.

"Eden. Go! Your mom will decide what do with you when she deems necessary. Now leave before I change my mind," my dad had his eyes shut tightly with his jaw clenched. Make that 8 hours.

We waited quietly until we heard Eden's door click as she locked it. Even if she wasn't down here I knew she'd here the entire thing. I can only hope she gets hell from mom. And soon.

"Do you know how stupid that was?! You always complain about not being aloud near Lauren and here you are acting stupid! Do you think beating people up is going to get her to notice you?! Because it's not. And neither is whoring around. Is that why you went to Samantha's party?" My dads words had hit a nerve. If only he new my real motives. Oh wait he did.

"You know damn well I only do that to distract myself from Lauren. Maybe if you and the Buchanan's actually let me near her I wouldn't have to beat the snot out of every guy trying to get some from her! And if I hadn't of gone to that party her hip who have been broken by Jacob! And Brent had his arms all over her! You know what's it like! You would have done twice as worse of it was mom!" My voice shook the roofing of house as I howled out. My dad had never shown fear before especially fear because of me. Yet I swear I saw if flash across his eyes before being replaced by rage again. Talking about another's persons mate was never a good idea. You'd think he be able to relate to me. Of course my dad was never big on empathy.

"Don't you yell at me! You know nothing! It's for both of your best interests to stay away from each other! Don't blame the Buchanan's either. He is Alpha and the leader of this entire tribe. He has a right to protect his daughter," Dad had taken a turn for the threateningly awful. His claws were out, his teeth bared, and he was getting in a fighting position. He was overly protective of Mr. Buchanan, they were best friends. Sometimes I wondered who dad would pick if Mr. Buchanan and mom were about to die and he could only save one.

I took a deep breath before walking to the front door. I had things to do, places to be, and people to talk to. I could tell dad hadn't moved from his spot in the living room. I guess he was going to let me go. But he deserved to know one more thing. "You should try protecting your own daughter. Lauren isn't the only one with mate problems," with that said I opened the door and into the chilly fall night. I quickly shifted into my black wolf form and took off towards my destination.

I was a fairly big wolf. Not to tall maybe 6'1" at most in human form meaning I was maybe a few inches taller than a real wolf. My muscles as a wolf were just as impressive as my regular self. My fur was midnight black and shaggy not unlike my actual hair. If someone didn't know already that I wasn't a real wolf then my pale green eyes would surely have given it away.

I ran into the woods behind our house making my way to my destination. I heard an aggravated howl in the back ground, obviously my father. This only encouraged me to push harder and travel the worn down path faster than ever before. The dead leaves crunched beneath my paws. It felt nice, and now that the trees were almost bare you could see the waning moon.

I knew this path better than the back of my paw. I used it at least twice a day. No matter the weather or if I was sick. It was the shortest path to the place I desperately needed to be. Just thinking about it made me go a little faster than I was before.

-Renee's POV-

"A party?! Why did I get a call saying you were at a party?!" My mom was standing in our kitchen with the old white telephone clutched in her hand. If only I knew the person who had snitched. Merpeople weren't excessively muscled like other creatures but our tempers were awful. Ever seen Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire? Yeah picture that.

"I'm sorry. Lauren wanted to go and it was going to be the first time she knew what everyone was so I wanted to be there for her," although not completely true my excuse wasn't far off from the truth. I was a good kid. I was one of the top in my class, swim captain, and I never object to what my parents said. So of course the one time I go to a party and have fun I get in trouble.

"But a party?! Do you know what this could do to your reputation? What will everyone's parents think? What will his family think?!" My moms breath was coming shallow and fast. She didn't need to specify on who HE was. Sadly we had talked about him to often not to know. Dont think I'm shallow for not caring about my moms health. She had panic attacks like this over the stupidest stuff all the time. One time I broke a crayon and she was about to pass out. A CRAYON! We learned the best thing to do was let her be hysterical for a while before telling her what you needed to. "This is going to ruin everything! We worked so hard on this! It'll be the talk of the town! Oh gosh!"

I hated talking about this. It had ruined my life and haunted my dreams since I was 9, and had finally understood what they were telling me. My eyes were brimming with tears. Everyone in town knew what was supposed to happen. Except Lauren of course. He tried to be "couple-y" with me a few times and it never ended well. It only made me hate him and my parents more. The entire time I was thinking my mom continued to complain about how I "ruined" everything. I was sick of it. She knew I didn't want to do this. Everyone knew I didn't want to do this.

"EVERYONE FROM SCHOOL WAS THERE! HE WAS THERE! HE EVEN GOT IN A FIGHT FOR BEING ALL OVER LAUREN! IF ANYONE'S THE VICTIM IT'S ME!" My eyes widened in shock just like my moms. I never, I repeat NEVER yelled at ANYONE. Sure I would give mean looks and rude gestures behind their back, but not unless they really bothered me. And this bothered me. Why me?! I was the perfect daughter! Out of everyone in town why that family?! Why him?!

My mom continued to stare at me like I had just shot her. I hope it felt like I had. That's what it felt like every time she brought up the fact that I couldn't love who I wanted to. I knew she was waiting for an apology, but at the moment "I'm sorry" wasn't in my vocabulary. However, "I'm in love with someone else and I refuse to marry Jacob Clardy" was and I said that exact thing before getting my stuff and going to Lauren's.

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