Chapter 7~ Not in Front of the Alpha!

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-Lauren's POV-

"Daddy. We need to talk. And I think I would like Aiden to stay if that's alright with you? I have a few questions for him," I said before Aiden could leave. My dad was facing away from me but I could tell he was mad from the way his shoulders moved violently up and down as he breathed. I knew even if dad didn't want Aiden here that Aiden would stay. I'm not sure how I knew but I did.

"Please Aiden. Come in," My dad growled out through a clenched jaw. His voice was bitterly sarcastic and made me shutter. He was studying Aiden intently with a look of pure hatred on his face.

"I would love to come in Mr. Buchanan. Thank you so much for the lovely hospitality," Aiden smirked while sauntering into our house. By the way dad was acting, Aiden was most definitely pushing his luck.

Just as my dad was about to growl something out, probably along the lines of "Get the hell out of my house this instant!" I quickly jumped in between them and asked my dad, "Study or living room father?"

"Study," he said, turning on his heel and started to walk up the two flights of stairs it takes to get there.

"I'll go get us drinks," I muttered hoping my dad and Aiden would work out whatever it was before I got up there. My dad gave a small nod as he continued going up.

"I'll help!" Aiden exclaimed happily following me as I walked to the kitchen. So much for that plan. We made no sounds as we walked across the hard wood floors. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Aiden looking over at me every few seconds. What is with this kid?!

I self consciously plucked at the bottom of my tank top wishing it to be longer. And my shorts! At least Aiden seemed to be looking at my face. But knowing his reputation I could only hope.

"So what do you want?" I ask clearing my throat and scraping together all my courage to look at him. I was usually so care free and wasn't easily flustered. But right now with Aiden's pale green eyes scanning up and down my half exposed body over and over again, I couldn't help but to feel like I needed to be perfect for him. Whoa. Perfect? For Aiden Darcy? Wow. I needed some sleep. Maybe I got a concussion when I fainted earlier? I shook my head trying to make the silly thoughts fly out. "I asked what you wanted to drink," I said with more power in my voice.

Even if I wanted to feel perfect for the foolish player in front of me I knew I couldn't be. There is no such thing as perfect. Except maybe Aiden's eye. Oh my gosh. I so did not just think that. My eyes were wide as I stared at the ground. A slight blush was on my cheeks and I could only pray that Aiden couldn't read minds.

"Oh! Uh, umm I'll have water," a rosy color tinted Aidens cheeks as he looked down and to the left suddenly taking an interest in the kitchen counter. Knowing he was embarrassed by being caught looking at me gave me a boost of confidence.

"Ok then," I said getting close to his warm body. I was flush against him and I could feel both our heart rates pick up. Aiden looked down at my lips which now had a small smirk tugging at the corners. Oh boy is he in for a surprise. As he closed his eyes and leaned down to kiss me I turned my body so I could reach up into the cabinets beside his head and get a clear glass.

His eyes snapped open and embarrassment was written clear across his face. I laughed loudly clutching my side with my free hand and walking over to the fridge to fill up the glass that was in the other. Aidens face flashed from embarrassment, to confusion, to anger, and finely landing on amusment. He chuckled a bit before coming to stand next to me.

"You aren't getting anything?" His breath tickled my ear as his hand swept all my hair to the opposite side of my neck. His head leaning down so, I'm assuming, he could kiss my neck.

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