Chapter 6

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"So that's how they found out I was in the Chuck E. Cheese costume," said Claire, laughing her butt off.

Devon laughed, too, glad the conversation had lightened up. He couldn't remember the last time he'd laughed, as pathetic as it seemed. It truly was nice to finally have a friend.

"Let's see, what embarrassing jobs have I had?" Devon thought, not wanting the conversation to end. "Well, I was once Santa at the mall."

Claire tried to suppress her spontaneous laugh. "Santa, huh?"

Devon smirked. "Yep. At Delaware. Those kids were demons," he said, shaking his head at the memory.

This time, she couldn't help it.

"It's not funny! I'm serious, this one time, there was this chubby little kid who came up and sat on my lap, and I asked him what he wanted for Christmas..."

"Sounds like the regular protocol," she chimed in.

"Yeah. So, this kid, he just stares at me and giggles. So I ask him again: 'What do you want for Christmas, little boy?' And then it hits me. This smell. I look down, and realize he shit all over my Santa suit!" he exclaimed, laughing despite himself.

Claire couldn't stop giggling at the mental image. She imagined Devon's face and the kid's smug smile, proud of himself for making a poo-poo on clueless Santa.

Settling down, Devon took a glance at his watch. Eight-o-clock. Lacey, if she was in her right mind, would be worried. He considered staying longer, as he'd been able to keep his mind off his home life for a while. It'd been a while since that'd happened. However, duty called, and Devon knew it. He said goodbye to Claire, thanked her for her company, and headed home on foot.

As he trudged along, he felt the raindrops begin to fall. Hurrying, he finally reached the front steps. The rainwater sloshed under his feet as he walked up to the doorway. Suddenly, he heard a loud crash coming from inside the apartment. Then silence. He quickly grabbed his keys and opened the door, his heart racing.

"Lacey? You there?"

No response.



He rushed up the stairs. Lacey's door was open. Bad sign. He walked through the doorway, eyes closed, afraid of what he'd see.

"L-Lacey?!" he stuttered, worried as he now heard Luke's cries. He peeked one eye open, and dropped his bag in shock.

"Lacey. What did you do?"

The woman, paralyzed, half a bottle in hand, slowly turned around, teary-eyed and disoriented, as if she'd just awaken from a bad dream. Luke was in her arms, now shrieking. Devon couldn't help but wince at how hard she pressed him against her chest.

Below the two was Maggie, laying on the floor, blood trickling from her left cheek.

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