Riverdale here I come

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Addison POV

I walked into my new trailer me and my father now owned. "It's nice for a trailer. I like small homes." I said happily. "Where's Fangs?" Dad asked. Me and my father have a more friend like relationship. We are free when it comes to things we say and very close. Not like most relationships most have seem. "Somewhere, I have school today, I want to go if that's okay." I asked. "Yeah, go see Fangs. He was upset when you left. Find a boyfriend too, just don't get preggers." My dad said laughing. "Shut up."

I walked into school the next day as Ghoulies whistled, 'Fresh Meat!' They yelled too

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I walked into school the next day as Ghoulies whistled, 'Fresh Meat!' They yelled too. One came up and slapped my ass. "Hey! Get your hands off of her!" Someone familar yelled. I held my finger up and punched the Ghoulie right in the nose. "Next time, don't touch a lady without her premission. Whore." I spat while he looked terrified. "Addie?" Fangs said as I ran up to him and jumped into his arms. "Hey." I said while two others looked at me confused. He let me down and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Is this one of your hookups?" A girl with pink hair asked. "One, wow Fangs got laid. and Two, No, I'm not." I said smirking as her smirk turned into a smile. "I like you already." Toni said and a tall dude scoffed. "What's your deal Green Giant?" I asked. "I like her too. She's got balls." He said smirking. "Addie, This is Sweet Pea and Toni Topaz. My close friends." Fangs introduced. "Addison King." I introduced, they nodded and led me into the cafeteria.

"So. How are the serpents Fogarty?" I asked seriously. The Royals and The Serpents are allies in every way. They worked together on numerous occations to beat up Ghoulies and other drug related things. "Fine. FP got arrested." Fangs said and I scoffed. "Seriously?" I asked in disbelief. "Yup. Dumped a kid into Sweetwater River after his father killed him." Sweet Pea explained "Where did you move from?" Toni asked. "Greendale. I have to take you to a Greendale party, they are the best." I said smiling.

"How was school?" My dad asked. "Good, there was a hella cute tall serpent there." I said getting extremely red. "Dude, your falling hard." My dad sais laughing. "Ugh, shut up." I said walking away.

A knock on my trailer door signaled someones presence. I opened the door to reveal my best friend, who helps me lead the Royals, Calvin. "Hey Cal. What do you need?" I asked confused. "It's Davina she got into trouble with the Ghoulies. She had to pick a fight with one." He said pissed. "Alright where is she." I asked. "Ghoulie den." He said. Are you fucking kidding me? "Alright, let's motor." I said hopping onto my motorcycle they brought a few days ago. Fangs came running up to me with Sweet Pea and Toni. "Where the hell you going? And who's he?" Fangs asked. "Gotta go somewhere. Friend from Greendale needs my help. Talk to you when I get back Fangs, Toni, SP." I said. "Let's go Cal." I said driving away with Calvin right behind me.

I got to the Ghoulie den with Calvin. We snuck in through the window and saw Davina looking at us with a saddened look. I gave her a look that said, 'Your screwed.' Me and Calvin grabbed her and ran. A Ghoulie grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Go!" I yelled at them. "I'm breaking a law!" Calvin yelled. I soon got smacked in the face with something, then I passed out.

Calvin POV

I grabbed Addison after she got smacked in the face with a gun and ran. I ran as fast as my feet would take me. I got back to the trailer park she lives in and opened her door to see her father and our leader, Alex King, staring at us in shock. "What the hell happened to my daughter?" He growled at me. "Ask Davina! We are done saving her ass from Ghoulies! That's what happened!" I yelled pissed at her. "Davina! Your out of The Royals. You put us in danger for unneeded reasons. Get the hell out of my trailer, both of you. Calvin, I'll update you later." Alex said pissed. "Yes King." I said and walked out.

Addison POV

I woke up with the worst headache imaginable. I realised I was in my trailer. "Dad?" I called. He came running out and hugged me. "What the hell happened?" I asked. "Ghoulies. You saved Davina and we kicked her out. She put us in too much danger." Dad explained. "Good, I'm so sick and tired of that bitch." I said pissed. "Get some rest. You have school tomorrow." My dad added and left.

I walked in the next morning with a gash on my forehead. "Addison, what the hell happened to you?" Sweet Pea asked slightly touching my cut. "Ghoulies." I said simply. "It's okay. I'm fine." I reassured. "Good, let's go." Fangs said leading us to class. "You should come to a Greendale party with me tonight. It will be fun." I smiled. "Okay, I'm in." Toni said. Fangs and Sweets nodded their heads. This is gonna be fun.

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