We are Royalty

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Sweet Pea POV

I knocked on Addison's trailer door. I felt horrible for walking out and snapping. I just needed to process she is in a gang, the serpent allie. Her father answered the door with a scared expression. "Have you seen Addison?" He asked right away leading me inside. "No, I needed to talk to her. I feel horrible. She walked into the school in her Royal jacket, tattoo showing, leading all the teens into the school. I'm scared. I'm scared for her. So I snapped at her, I didn't even realise until Fangs got mad at me for it." I explained his expression softened. "Last time this happened, was when her and Fangs got into the biggest fight. She was so scared, she had a panic attack. She went on a bender, didn't come home for two days." Her father explained. The door swung open and Addison stumbled in. "Jesus Addison, are you okay?" Her father asked standing up. "Addison? Are you okay?" I asked concerned. I was scared. She waved both of us off and stumbled into her room. I felt a tear slip down my face. "Come on kid, we need to see Calvin." Her father said leading me outside to the Royal Den.

We walked in and Calvin came over. His pupils wide. "What happened to Addison?" Alex asked. "Why? Did she OD?" Calvin stuttered. "OD? What the hell do you mean OD?" Alex shouted grabbing everyone's attention. "Uh-" Calvin stuttered, I grabbed his collar. "You better tell me everything that happened. Or I'm gonna kick your ass." I growled. "She went on another bender. She came here, asked me to get her somthing. I said something or her favorite, something something. She said something something. She wanted Molly. She told me she stopped, but she had like 3 or 4. I think she drank a little too. I kept an eye on her." Calvin said. I ran out, Alex following. "Kid, kid wait. Sweet Pea!" Alex yelled at me. I turned around with a tear slipping down my face. "This is all my fault. I can't believe I did this. I did this to her, we just started dating and I already broke her." I explained. Alex held my shoulder. "This isn't your fault. She has been having mini withdrawals, I think you should know that. Calvin offered it, she never refused Molly. This isn't your fault. Go to my trailer, make sure she is okay. But Sweet Pea, she was scared to tell you. I got an earful, she was so scared you would hate her in anyways, she really likes you kid, I can tell." Alex said going back into the bar.

I got to the trailer and walked into Addison's room. She was wake, her eyes were red and puffy. Also extremely big. "I'm sorry." She apologized. "I really wanted it. I-I don't know why I did that. Please please forgive me Sweet Pea I can't knowing the fact you don't like me because of what I did. I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry." Addison said staring at a wall. I don't even think she realises I'm here. "Addi-" "I'm so so so so so sorry." Addison said turning to me. "I'm really sorry." Addison sobbed. I ran over and took her face in my hands. "I overreacted. I was happy, but I was really upset you didn't tell me. I had to find out from you leading the Royals into the school, looking like a hot badass by the way. If we are going to make this work, you have to trust me. Okay?" I explained softly. She nodded and buried her face in my neck. "I really am sorry though. I felt horrible. But um, if we are going to trust each other, I should probably give something to you." Addison said pulling a bag out of her jacket, filled with pills. I took them gently and placed them on the table. "Don't take anymore please. I don't want to lose you please." I pleaded holding her face on my hands. "I won't. I don't know what happened. I just really wanted them when I got to Greendale. I had a withdrawal. Pea, I um. I need your help please." She pleaded. "I will help you, every step of the way. Just trust me okay? I love you too much to lose you." I said, I realised what I said and I stuttered. "I-I'm sorry if your not read-" I was cut off my a pair of lips against mine. "I love you too." She said cuddling into my side. I gently gripped her waist while her head rested on my chest.

Addison POV

Me and Sweet Pea walked into school the next day with our fingers intertwined. "I see our favorite couple made up." Toni said walking over to us with Fangs behind her. "Yeah, we did." I said while Pea kissed my forehead. We walked into class and went to our sections. Royals, Serpents, Ghoulies, Regular southsiders. I sat with the Royals. "Hey babe, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" A high Ghoulie yelled. "Nope, cause I come from the firey gates of hell. Suck a dick." I yelled. Sweet Pea smirked and Fangs made kissy faces at me. Sweet Pea caught it and punched him. "So Addie. You going on another bender tonight? I would really like some." A Royal said to me licking his lips. "And just for saying that, I can get your ass kicked. If not myself, then the rest of the Royals." I said. "I'm bored. Cal, wanna skip?" I asked, he nodded as we walked out.

We went to the Royal den and had some alcohol. Not enough to get us drunk. "Why aren't you in school?" My dad asked coming to the bar. "Teacher was to focused on his weed than us. So we left, got bored." I soon walked outside the bar and saw Davina and some Ghoulies. "What the fuck is this?" I asked. "We want a street brawl. Royals vs. Ghoulies. Everyone is at townhall, Serpents are fighting bulldogs, we want revenge." Davina said. "You got yourself a fight. Calvin. Go to Southside high, gather every teen Royal you find. Get them to the den. We will beat your ass." I exclaimed. The Ghoulies walked away. "Ah shit." I muttered.

I walked back into my trailer alone. I laid on the couch, soon letting darkness consume me.

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