Greendale Royals

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I led Sweet Pea, Toni, and Fangs into the party spot. I told Calvin not to host at the Royal Den, it would give my friends hints about my gang status. I don't think I'm ready to tell them, they might leave even though we're allies. I walked in and they stayed by me, saw the usual sight. Drugs being consumed. I saw Davina in the hangout having Jingle Jangle alone. I walked in the middle with Sweets, Toni, and Fangs. "Ah, so Addison King finally decides to show herself." Davina said walking up to me. "The hell you want?" I snapped while Fangs held my arm, him being the only one knowing I'm a Royal. "Ha, I fucking hate you after you got me kic-" Davina started before Calvin grabbed her. "You- Bitch." I said while walking up to her. "Your just like your father, trying to be a leader, we both know your just the Kings Princess. The sloppy one." Davina said before I held my hand up. A Royal named Gabe slipped brass knuckles in my hand. I put them on and punched her right across the face. "You better leave. This is our turf." Calvin growled in her ear. She walked out with a pissed look. "Oh. If I catch anyone here having Jingle Jangle, you have to answer to me." Calvin yelled as I patted his back. "What was that?" Toni asked as Sweets laughed. "Some bitch who gave me the gash on my cheek. Saved her ass from Ghoulies, then I ended up getting smacked with a gun by one." I explained. "Oh, at least your okay." Sweet Pea said. "Wow, Sweets going soft so soon?" I asked smirking. He rolled his eyes and said you wish.

After two hours, we left. "That was-" Toni started. "Crazy. You beat the shit out of that chick." Sweet Pea said. "No Jingle Jangle is aloud at the parties Calvin hosts, you have it, you pay the price." I explained, they nodded. We dropped Toni and Fangs off, leaving me and Sweet Pea. "Wanna come in?" I asked when we got to my trailer, he nodded and followed me in. My dad was on the couch on his phone with chips. "Hey Addison. Who's this?" He asked smirking. "Sweet Pea, this is my dad." I said. "Hey Mr. King." Sweet Pea said politely. "Call me Alex." My dad said laughing. "Have fun, I have to go somewhere." My dad said winking at me. I got the hint, meaning Royal Business. He then left. "Why did he wink?" Sweet Pea asked. "It's code. Work thing." I explained, he nodded. "Gotcha. What do you wanna do?" He asked. "No clue." I laughed. He sat silently staring at me, I stared back. "So." I said finally. "So." He repeated. We sat for a while, until Sweet Pea decided he should go. "You can stay the night if you want?" I asked softly. "If that's alright with you." He said. "I'll take the couch, you can have the bed. It's not girly, just black." I said. "No, it's your house." He said. "We can share, if that's okay?" I asked, he nodded. We made our way to my room as he slept in his jeans. I changed into a t-shirt and underwear. "If your uncomfortable, I seriously will take the couch." I added while I felt his stares scanning my body. "No, it's okay." He said patting the spot next to him. We laid apart until our hands met. We intertwined our fingers while I moved close to him, he laid back and motioned for me to lay down. I did as told and laid my head on his chest with our fingers still intertwined. I fell asleep quick, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

Sweet Pea POV

When I woke up this morning, I had Addison in my arms, she stirred and looked at me. "Morning." I said to her. "Morning." She said in an adorable morning voice. Holy crap, I think I like her. "You okay? You zoned out for a good couple seconds." She asked smiling. "Yeah, I'm fine. Should we get ready?" I asked, she nodded and got up. Me following. We walked out of her room to see her father smirking. "Sweet Pea and Addie sitting in a tree. K I S S I N G-" Alex started before Addison cut him off. "Your a fucking two year old." She said while I held in a laugh. "If I was two, how did you come into this world?" He retorted retreating to his room. Addison almost spit her water. "You talk to your dad like that?" I asked shocked. "That's the reaction I always get. Me and my dad have a more friend than father daughter relationship. We are really close after our mom left us." I said. "That's really good to have that relationship." I said smiling softly. "You have a cute bedhead." She said smoothing out my hair a little bit. "I'm too short I give up." She said laughing. "Good, I like being tall." I retorted as she laughed. We got ready and left for school

We walked in together smiling and laughing until Fangs and Toni came up to us. "What's got your two all smiley?" He asked. "He was being stupid," she said laughing. A kid walked through the metal detectors, crown beanie. "I'm out, I don't like newbies." I said and walked away, Addie and Fangs following.

Addison POV

I walked into the cafeteria doors after two periods with Fangs and Sweet Pea. "Newbie ain't sitting?" I asked, she nodded. "He is a lone wolf, as he likes to say." Toni explained. "That's Jughead Jones. FP'S kid." I said realization hitting me. "Yeah, so?" Fangs asked, I looked at him weirdly. "My dad promised he would look after Jughead. It's kinda weird he goes to the trailer sometimes." I explained, they nodded.

I walked out of class and to the Red and Black with Toni and Jughead. "Why are we here again?" I asked before Sweet Pea and other serpents cane in. "Topaz, let's bounce. King Jones, you coming?" Sweet Pea asked. "Nah, I'll hang with newbie, show him the ropes." I said, he nodded. "No I don't have my beach bod yet. But thank you Sweet Pea, but no more favors are needed from you or the serpents. I'm done." Jughead said, Sweet Pea stormed to him and me and Toni held him back. "Hey, take the hint Sweet Pea, he's just not that into you." Toni explained while they all left.

Me and Jughead walked out of the room late at night. We saw shadows and got nervous. "Addison King and Jughead Jones. How's your dad? Or yours Addison? How's he?" A person asked while I took out brass knuckles. "Stay behind me." I told Jughead, he didn't listen and grabbed my arm, pulling me behind a wall. I got grabbed and pinned me against a wall. He punched me and got pulled back by Jughead. Jug punched and kicked him and I punched him in the face. He got up and charged punching me more and more until he went to Jughead. I lay one ground motionless. I groaned and looked at Jughead. Three more Ghoulies came and punched me in the face. Two grabbed me and one more punched me square in the face. The three left when Jughead pulled out a pocket knife. "Addison, you look horrible come on." He said pulling me up, wrapping my arm around his shoulders and his other one around my waist supporting me.

We made it to my trailer and I flopped on the couch. My dad wasn't home, Jughead grabbed the first aid kit and started working on fixing my face. "This is gonna burn a little." He warned before dabbing my face with anti septic. "You look a little better. Makeup might cover most of the bruises. How are the Royals? I heard you the Queen of the younger ones." Jughead asked. I looked at him shocked. "My dad told me about you, he really likes you and your father." He said before I sat him down and started cleaning his cuts. "Gonna burn a little, and yeah. They are good. One got kicked out because she got me in trouble with Ghoulies." I explained he nodded while I continued cleaning. He kept squirming, so I grabbed the back of his head and held him still. "You need to stop moving? Chapish?" I asked sarcastically. He laughed and nodded. "All done." I said as my dad walked through the door and looked at us. "What the hell happened to you two?" He asked. "Fucking Ghoulies, tried to pick a fight and Jughead here actually has a pair, asshole got me good though." I said while the four looked at us oddly. "You can leave now J. Adios." I said as he left. "Did you kick his ass?" My dad said smirking. "When I got off my ass, but hell yeah." I said as he patted my shoulders and went to his room. Hah, Sweets and Fangs are gonna be very curious.

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