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Addison POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone. I reached over and saw a text from Jug.
Jug: there is gonna be a drag race tomorrow between the serpents and ghoulies.whoever wins gets wyrm and trailer park. They wanted the Royals too but I told them no maybe ask them. I need help fixing a car.
Addie: okay. I'll be at your trailer in a few minutes okay?
Jug: yeah c u there.

"Who's that?" Sweet Pea asked in his adorable morning voice. "Jughead. Yor gonna be pissed. He started a drag race between serpents and ghoulies. Is he doesn't win, the Wyrm and trailer park go to the ghoulies." I explained. "Of course he would do that. What does it have to do with you?" He asked. "When we were younger, our dad's would work on cars. Me and Jughead would help. I know how to fix cars pretty well. I got to get up." I said getting up and putting on clothes I've left here before. I got dressed and kissed Sweets goodbye. "I love you!" He yelled. "Love you too!" I yelled back walking out the door.

I got to Jughead and then drove to the Wyrm. We worked on the car there. "Hey Jones. What's up?" I heard Fangs voice. "Who's under the car?" He asked and I rolled out. "Hey Addie." He said waving. I waved back. "Helloooo." I said. Sweets and Toni soon came out as I went back under. "Hey Jones, where's Addison?" Sweets asked as I screwed in another bolt. "Jug! Another bolt?" I asked, he put it in my hand. I screwed it in and rolled out. "All done. What's up?" I asked, Sweet Pea smirked. I smirked back. "Okay, don't start having sex on the car please. It's black I don't need white shit on it." Jughead laughed. "I'm bored. What do you wanna do?" I asked. "Truth or dare?" Toni asked from behind Fangs. "Jesus Toni. I didn't even see you." I said she laughed. "Yeah. Truth or dare." Fangs said. "I'm not kissing anyone unless my Sweets okay?" I said laughing as he kissed he in agreement. "Jughead, truth or dare?" Fangs asked. "Dare." He said laughing. "Call one of your Northside friends. Tell em you started jacking off. Ask if they want to join you." Fangs said laughing. "Not doing that." Jughead said laughing. "Okay, Fangs truth or dare." Toni asked. "Truth." He replied. "Who was your first make out session with?" Toni asked. Me and Fangs slowly looked at each other and broke out in laughter. "No way. You made out with Fogarty? Please, tell the story." Sweets said laughing. I cuddled into his side. "It was when I first told him I was a Royal, he went on a speech saying we are now the ultimate pair now. Then he just kissed me and we made out on my dad's couch in the office." I said laughing. "Oh my god that's where we almost kissed for the first time." Sweet Pea said laughing. I checked the time and realised I have an AA meeting soon. "I got to go. I have a meeting. Oh, your dad goes Jug. We talked, he is doing great. He is 30 days so far." I said before getting up, pecking Sweets cheek and leaving.

Sweet Pea POV

We continued talking the whole time when Addison left. "It's good she is in AA." Fangs said out of the blue. "Yeah. It really is." I added. Fangs phone went off but I didn't catch who it was. "I gotta go. Bye guys." He said before leaving. That was really weird.

Fangs POV

Addison; im at your trailer. get here now i need you its about jackson.
fangs; okay. im coming. sweets and toni or jug dont know.
addison; good.

I walked into my trailer to see Addison pacing. Jackson is Addison's twin brother, only I know about. She never told anyone about Jackson because her mother took him away from her and her father. "Addie?" I said waalking over to her embracing her. She immediatly hugged me back. "Shh shh, what happened?" I asked stroking her hair. "M-My mom. S-She hurt him. H-He is in the hospital. I-I d-don't know what to do." She stuttered. "We can go see him. Just me and you." I offered. "R-Really? You'd take me?" She stuttered. "Of course. Jackson is awesome. He always treated me like his brother." I explained. We walked outside as I led her to my bike. We got on and drove to Centertville, which is far away from Riverdale.

We got out as I side hugged her. "I'm here for Jackson King?" Addison asked the receptionist. "I'm sorry. His mother said family isn't allowed. Are you friends of his?" She asked. "Yes we are." I said. "Names and age. Need to be above 18 to enter though, mother's orders." The nurse added. She looked at me sadly. "Fangs and Addison Fogarty. 20 years old and married." I said while she smiled and held my hand to make it more convinciable. "Room 219." She said while smiling at us.

"Thank you Fangs. The hospital here send text reminders to visitors, we both might get them." Addison added. I hugged her. "Okay. Let's see your brother." I said leading her down the hall. We entered a room and her face dropped. He had a bandage all around his head. "W-What happened?" Addison asked a nurse. "Got hit with something very hard, took a massive fall too. Not much brain activity. We are waiting two more weeks to officially declare him brain dead." The nurse said. Addison buried her head in my neck when that was told. I held her close as we moved to her brother. "I'll get you out of this. I promise. I promsie Jackson wake up please, I'll take you with me." She said to him. A woman I recognised to be her mother walked into the room. "Get out Addison." She growled. "No, Jackson needs me." Addison said before standing up. I grabbed her hand and gently squeezed it. She did the same back. "Or I will have you arrested. You know I can do that. Get the hell out of this room. And this hospital. I never want you near Jackson again." Her mother growled pushing us out.

As we got to the parking lot, Addison broke down in my arms. "H-He. They think h-he is brain dead. H-He is basically dead. I-I been calling him and talking to him over the phone and I'm gonna lose him." She cried as I held her. "Shh. It's okay. He will pull through, he is a survivor." I reassured. We got on the bike and drove to Riverdale. We went to her trailer first and dropped her off. I soon went to mine.

Addison POV

I walked into my trailer and saw my dad. "Where the hell have you been? Sweet Pea has been here twice and I looked all over town!" My dad exclaimed as I cried. "J-Jackson. H-He is in the hospital. Me and Fangs went and mom kicked us out. She hurt him. T-They think he is brain dead they are giving him a few weeks. I don't want to lose him dad I really don't." I stuttered. My dad ran over and held me. "Shh." He whispered. "I'm gonna spend the night with Fangs. I can't see Sweet Pea right now." I whispered. He nodded.

I walked to Fangs' Trailer and knocked. He answered and immidietly pulled me into his embrace. We walked into his trailer and sat on the couch. "Can I spend the night here? I um, really don't want to go home right now." I said softly. He nodded and said an 'of course', pulling my into his embrace again. We spent the night talking, eating, and hugging. What would I do without my best friend.

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