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Addison POV

Me and Calvin walked through the doors of South Side High with scowls on our faces. We gave looks to every Ghoulie in sight. They looked nervous, knowing what the two of us can do. "I'm gonna find Sweet Pea and Fangs. Toni too-" I was cut off by the doors swinging open with the mayor and sheriff deputies. They were arresting Royals. I grabbed Calvin and ran. "What the hell is going on-" Sweet Pea said as I ran into him hard. "Move!" I yelled dragging Calvin away. Calvin got pulled back and arrested. I kept running until I was slammed into lockers, I felt blood run down my forehead. The cop was very handsy. "Watch where you put the hands asshole!" I yelled, he scoffed. "Come on." He said leading me down the hall. I went by Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Toni. They all looked scared. "I got the last one. She's a runner." The cop said. I scoffed. "Loosen the damn cuffs will yah?" I asked. He just pushed my head into a police car. I was next to Calvin and Gabe. "This is bullshit." I muttered. "Yeah, what did we do?" Calvin muttered. I looked out the window and saw Sweets, Toni and Fangs looking at me. I gave them a saddened look. There was nothing I could do.

Sweet Pea POV

I heard loud crashes and metal clanging. Addison crashed right into me with Calvin. "Move!" She screamed and continued running. Cops grabbed Calvin and arrested him. "Keep running! You will get up it longer keep running!" Calvin yelled. She sprinted down the hall. There was a loud crash and soon Addison came down the hall with a gash on her forehead. "What the hell just happened?" I asked. "They just raided South Side High for Royals." Fangs said. "Got the last one. She is a runner." The cop said. I went to run up but Fangs held me back. "You can't help her behind bars. We went outside and saw her head get pushed harshly into a car. She gave us a saddened look. I returned it. What can I do.

I walked to Pop's with Fangs. "What the hell are we gonna do?" Fangs asked. "I don't know. Go to the station?" I asked, he nodded his head yes. Jughead came in and ran to us with Andrews. "Did Addison get out?" Jones asked. "No. Don't even know what she did. All the Royals got arrested." I explained. "They all got hauled in for Jingle Jangle. She might be in longer because Reggie had a deal with her at 11 am. He was expecting Molly." Jughead explained. "Did they drug test her?" I asked. Jughead nodded. "Yeah, it came out clean. That's all I know." Jughead said as me and Fangs got up and drove to the station.

"Hi, we are here for Addison King." Fangs said to the receptionist. An officer lead us to the cells. "Hey. The hell happened?" I asked my girlfriend. "They fucking thought we had Jingle Jangle but the Sheriff is a dipshit. I'm in for a week. The rest are for a day. My dad might pay bail for me." She explained. "Why are you in for a week?" Fangs asked sadly. "Possession of drugs on school property. Found Molly in my pocket for-" She paused before pulling out a paper. "Reggie Mantle." She said. "I was the only dealer available." She finished. "Did you take any?" I asked holding her hand. "No. I didn't tell you, but I started going to AA. I been drug free for 14 days." She said pulling out a chip. "My next one is 30 days." She explained with a huge smile on her face. "I'm proud of you." I said holding her hand. "I am too." She said. A cop came in the room and unlocked the cell. Her dad came in soon after.

"What the hell did they accuse you of in there?" Her dad said to her. "Dealing Jingle Jangle. They found me with molly though for a deal." She explained as her dad hugged her. We decided to go back to my trailer after her getting arrested. We laid in my bed with her in my arms. She laid her head on my chest. "I love you." Addison said. "I love you too." I replied kissing her head, stroking her hair after. We soon fell asleep to the sound of each other's breathing and heart beats.

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