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Addison POV

I sat on the steps with Jughead and Toni when Sweet Pea, Fangs, and other serpents burst through the doors. "What's got you all so happy?" Toni asked. "This hell hole is finally closed. We are going to Riverdale High!" Sweet Pea yelled. My face hardened. "Addison? What's up?" Toni asked. "Oh nothing. I'm happy for you guys. We will get a decent education. I gotta go to the den, see you guys later." I said before walking away.

I walked into my trailer and grabbed my phone. I dialed the one number I still had saved but never used. Betty Cooper. Me and Betty dated for 2 years before I left. Her mom made us break up and she was heartbroken. She called, we talked for hours and then her mom told me she would find out if we talked. I called Betty and she immediately picked up. "Hello?" She asked. "Betty it's Addison. I'm coming to Riverdale High tomorrow." I told her. She gasped. "Oh my God really? I'm so excited I can see you again! I have to go my mom is coming. I'll talk to you later. I really miss you." She said. "I miss you too. Bye." I said before hanging up. Of course I missed Betty. We were so happy, but I love Sweet Pea. I don't think he will be happy to hear about this.

We walked through the doors of Riverdale High the next morning. My eyes met with Betty's and she smiled widely. She did a small wave and I returned it. Fangs nudged me, grabbing Sweet Pea's attention. "Is Betty happy to see you?" He whispered. "I don't know, I called her last night she was so happy. It seems that way." I whispered before returning my attention up front. "Stand down Eva Peron." A girl with red hair shouted from the top of the stairs. "Cheryl, no one invited facist barbie to the party." A black haired girl said. "Wrong Veronica. No one invited South Side scum to our school. Listen up Ragamuffins. I will not let Riverdale High's above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms that are overcrowded with underachievers. So please, go deface another school with your hardscrabble ways." Cheryl said. "Why don't you come over here and say that to my face!" Toni yelled, me soon following. "Happily Queen of the Buskers." Cheryl said. "Hey, you better back of carrot top." I said. "Not when our school is at risk bitch in red. Oh and don't think I don't know about you and our not-so-innocent Betty over here." Cheryl said. I walked ford but Fangs, Toni and Sweet Pea pulled me back. "Don't talk about her like that. She is a really nice person. You have no right." Betty said defending me. Fangs tapped my shoulder and smirked. I elbowed him in the stomach. Sweet Pea smiled and grabbed my hand. "Get to class." The principal yelled. Sweet Pea, Toni, and Fangs stayed back with me at the lockers just hanging out. Betty came running up and hugged me. "I missed you so much!" She said. "Me too Betty. These are my friends. You already know Fangs, and this is Toni. Over here is my...boyfriend Sweet Pea." I introduced. "Hi. I'm Betty Cooper." She said happily. "Can we talk for a minute?" She asked, Fangs nudged me. "Sure," I said giving Fangs the death glare and mouthing 'Not gonna happen.'

"You have a boyfriend?" She asked sadly. "Betty I'm sorry. You know I missed you right? But your mom would never allow it. I wanted to be able to hold you, kiss you, hug you whenever I wanted to. But I couldn't do that. If it were now, since we are in the same school, it would be better for us. But I'm with Sweet Pea." I explained holding her hand. She held my other one too. I hugged her as she nodded. "I really hope we can still hang out. I missed you too much." Betty said, I nodded. "Of course. I'll see you around Betty." I said lightly kissing her cheek.

Sweet Pea POV

"What was that?" I asked Fangs pissed. "What was what?" He asked back. "Betty, you nudged Addison, she hesitated to say I'm her boyfriend, and you already know her. Spill." I growled. "Betty and Addison dated for two years. Betty loved Addison, Addison loved Betty too, but Alice made Betty's life miserable as long as she was with her. So Addison broke up with Betty. Betty was heartbroken and so was Addison." Fangs explained, Toni had her mouth open. "She keeps hiding things from me. I'm getting pissed." I said. "This was her ex Pea! What are you going to do? Dump her because of it?" Fangs asked. "First the drugs, the Royals, her brother, and now the fact she is basically bisexual? She doesn't trust me. I just might." I said pissed. I really just might. "Pea, she loves you. And you will hurt her." Fangs said, my face softened. Addison walked over and Betty walked the other way to class. "Hi guys. What are we talking about." She asked, I gave her a look. "We will give you privacy." Toni said pulling Fangs away. "What's wrong?" Addison asked. "What's wrong is you keep hiding shit from me. Really? You dated Betty Cooper?" I said coldly. "Yeah. I did. It was over a year ago I thought it didn't matter." She said looking down. "It does matter! If you keep lying to me, this isn't gonna work." I said. Her face softened. "If that's how you feel, then maybe it won't. See you around SP." She said walking away. I broke up with her.

Addison POV

I drove to the den and got high. I was 30 days and I fucked it up. FP got out, so I probably would go to him since he is like a second father to me. I can't have my father disappointed in me again. I had some oxy and left. I went to FP'S trailer. I knocked and Jughead answered. "Addison? Are you okay?" He asked. "I-I need to talk to your dad. I um, we are partners in AA and I need his help. I broke me 30 day streak." I explained, he let me in. "Dad! It's Addison she needs you!" Jug yelled, his dad came out soon after. "Hey Addison. What's the matter?" He asked. I gave him my chip. "I broke it." I said simply. Jughead left the trailer to give us privacy. "What happened?" FP asked sitting me on the couch. "Before I left, me and Betty dated for two years. We were so happy until Alice made her life miserable as long as she was with me. I broke up with her because I hated seeing her like this. Today we transferred to Riverdale High and Betty found me. She was so happy and when I told her I was dating Sweet Pea, she was hurt. Sweet Pea found out and broke up with me. I went to the den and had Oxy. I don't know what to do. This is my third time breaking my streak." I explained, he rubbed my back. "What about your dad, does he know?" FP asked, I shook my head. "I can't have him disappointed in me." I explained. "He loves you hun. He could never hate you." FP said. "Come on, we are going to a meeting." FP said leading me out.

When I left the trailer, I saw Fangs and Sweet Pea looking at me. They looked confused. I just turned away and got on my motorcycle. I drove away with FP.

Sweet Pea POV

"Jones! What happened to Addison?" I asked when I saw him at the Wyrm. "She came to the trailer looking for my dad. They are partners in AA and she broke the streak. She was high on oxy. 30 days and it broke, not sure why." Jones explained before leaving. "Pea, what did you do?" Toni asked. "Broke up with her, didn't even realise." I said sadly. "Oh Pea, you fucked up." Fangs said. Damn straight I did.

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