Royals vs. Ghoulies

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Addison POV

It was raining outside. It walked to the center facing Davina. The Royals behind me, Ghoulies behind her. She threw the first punch, blood flowed out of my mouth. Then the brawl started. Davina kicked my ribs until I grabbed her foot and flipped her. I straddled her waist and punched and punched until her face was a bloody mess. She pushed me and got up, she dragged me to a car a body slammed me on to it, breaking the windshield and leaving a dent. I let out a load groan in pain. I heard the engines of motor cycles. Davina continued to slam me into the car over and over. I groaned even louder, never show weakness. Don't scream don't scream. I pushed myself off of the car and tackled her I kept beating her, hearing the calls around me. "Addison! Addison stop your gonna kill her! Addison!" Calvin yelled. "Addison!" I heard a person yell. I recognized it to be Fangs. He then ripped me off of the girl, my back stung against his chest. I let out a loud groan and arched my back so it wasn't touching his chest. He lifted my shirt and saw the massive bruise and cuts. "What the fuck! Where is that from!" He yelled, I pointed to the car with the dent and broken glass. He helped me on his motorcycle as the Royals went home.

We got to the trailer park and Sweet Pea and Toni were talking outside his trailer. My eyes met with Sweet Pea as his face with Sweet Pea's as he saw my bloodied state and Fangs helping my walk. He ran over with Toni. "What the fuck happened?" Sweet Pea asked touching my cheek. Toni rubbed my back and I arched it and groaned. Toni lifted up my shirt. "Holy shit!" Toni yelled, Sweet Pea followed and looked at it. Bloody and glass filled. "Let's get in the trailer Addison. Tell us what happened." Fangs said sitting me down on his couch. "What happened? Why are you beaten to a pulp?" Sweet Pea asked as Toni cleaned my cuts. "Ghoulies. They came to our turf. Said serpents would be fighting bulldogs, so they wanted there fair share of Royals. Davina fucked me over. She got me good. She had help at times. I got her good though." I smirked. "No! You would've fucking killed her if I didn't rip you off of her! But yeah, that girl was fucked up. Worse than Addie." Fangs said. "Take off your shirt." Toni said, I followed and took off my shirt, leaving my in a black lacey bra. Sweet Pea got bright red. I winked teasing him. Fangs broke out in laughter. "I never seen Pea so obsessed with a girl. Addison you make him since happy." Fangs said laughing. Sweet Pea smiled widely and made his way over to me. He kissed my forehead and then my lips. "Toni, you almost done?" I asked. "Still taking the glass out. She got you good." Toni added. I said yup popping the p. I moved slightly and Sweet Pea stared at my breasts. "Eyes up here Sweets." I said as he rolled his eyes. Fangs started laughing again.

Me and Sweet Pea went to his trailer after Toni patched me up. We laid on the couch and just sat in silence. "I'm a virgin. I never had sex before, never even been half naked for someone before." I explained, he looked at me. "Me too. I may seem like I sleep around, but no. I have never had sex or showed my...stuff to anyone." Sweet Pea explained. "I don't know when I'll be ready. I want it to be the right person." I said. He nodded in aggreement. "Same with me. I don't know when I want to have sex. I'm not a whore." Sweet Pea explained. I looked at him and smiled brightly. "I really love you." I said pecking his lips. "And I really love you." Sweet Pea replied.

Sweet Pea POV

I been helping Addison for two days. Getting around, helping her get things, just wanting her to rest. He back was seriously damaged, she couldn't move. "You need to rest babygirl. I don't like seeing you hurt." I said. "I know, I love you." She said. "I love you too." I replied.

The next day, we had school and Alex wanted Addison to go. He thought it would be good to stretch her muscles. She came out in Adidas leggings and a black crop top. "Hey, we ready?" I asked my girlfriend. "Yup. Let's go." She replied as we walked out the door.

The two of us walked through the doors of South Side High. We went through the metal detectors and met with Toni and Fangs. "Doiley says you guys stabbed him last night? What the hell happened?" Jughead asked. "There was a fight. Bulldogs vs. Serpents. And you see this? Your boy Andrews gave it to me. Just before his girlfriend shot a gun in the air." I explained holding Addison. "And then the Ghoulies got into a street fight with the Royals. Because they knew Serpents couldn't stop it. Addison ended up getting bodyslammed into a car." I explained as she held my hand tighter relaxing me. "What happened out there?" Jughead muttered. "And of course, the northsiders get off Scott-free while the rest of us are hauled in by the police. It's payback time." I explained looking at a pipe bomb. Addison's phone went off and it was from Calvin. "Gotta go. Calvin needs me." She said kissing my lips. "Bye." I said while looking at the pipe bomb.

Addison POV

"Addison, Ghoulies want our heads. Davina told Malachai, they want your head on a stake. Most want to earn their stripes. We gotta go to the den." He said, I nodded and left with him. I texted Sweet Pea letting him know what's going on. He is scared I'm gonna get hurt, but I reassured I'm okay.

We walked into the den and laid out a bunch of weaponry. "We have to hide these, just in case anything happenes. Your dad bought them incase they decided to raid us." Calvin explained and that's what we did. Little did I know, on the Northside, they were planning to raid the teen Royals at Southside high for dealing Jingle Jangle.

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