End of the book

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Hey guys! As you can tell I really haven't kept up with this story, have I? You see, I lost interest in Heathers towards the end of eighth grade (around June 2017), and I kinda abandoned this book. I understand that some might be upset with my decision to leave this book as it is, and others have mostly likely already lost interest in both this book and the musical. But to those who stayed, and the new readers that have come somewhere a along the way, thank you. Thank you for making me feel like I had the potential to make something that people actually enjoyed, and commented on. Something that hopefully inspired others to think up their own head cannons and let others feel as if someone else agreed with them.

Fandoms are seldom happy places, but as a community within the comments everything was so positive and accepting, and for this I thank you! Although the book will no longer be continued, I will leave it published so that others may continue to enjoy it!

Thank you again! And if any of you are fans of anime then check out my other books!

-Author chan

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