Chapter 7

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Taelour's POV

Sooo yesterday Harry said his friend was gonna come over and it's just perfect cause he is totally Paige's guy!!!! I have a gut feeling. She loves Ireland and he's Irish like what else do you want? She even visited Ireland when she was younger! I'm so excited! He's coming in like... NOW!

I walked down the stairs and yelled out, "I got the door!"

I smirked to myself as I opened the door. Niall stood there looking at his phone. I cleared my throat to get his attention. He finally looked up to see me. His eyes became wide. I laughed at him and gave him a hug.

"Hi! I was about to text you!" He said in a thick Irish accent. I chuckled at him and let him in.


Niall covered his ears at the noise. I just shrugged and sat down on the sofa. Harry came out of the kitchen and gave Niall one of those bro-hug things... Whatever they're called. Then Kenny came and shook his hand. Wow that's cool I would've made up a hand shake by now broski!

Then just like a movie Paige walks down from the stairs as Niall looks at her with eyes the size if saucers. Except it wasn't with lust... It was out of pure shock. Paige came halfway down the stairs with tear stains on her cheeks. What is going on?

"Paigey are you okay?" I asked her.

She just bursted out crying. I looked over to Kendall who already had a worried look on her face. I told her to stay here as I walked up the stairs to Paige. I put my arm around her as we started to walk to her room. I sat her down on her bed as I grabbed some tissues from the bathroom. I sat down beside her and gave them to her.

Then I popped the question, "What happened?" She looked at me and wiped her tears.

As she straightened herself up a bit, I set the tissues aside.

"Well yesterday I went outside for a bit while you guys were playing. Then I saw Dylan with some other girl at our favorite restaurant... and I know it's not his family because well they.. they kissed! Right in front of me and today when I texted him about it.. He denied it all! He's a liar!" She started to cry again. I scooted closer to her and rubbed her back.

"I'm so sorry Paige. He's just a huge umm hmm..."

"Bastard." finished someone for me. I looked at the door and it was Niall. I gave him a 'not the right time' look but he brushed it off. What in the world is he doing? He walked over to Paige and I, then sat down on the other side of her and put his arm around her shoulder.

"Hey Tae do you think me and Paige can speak? Alone..." He questioned. Well it might help them bond. I nodded to him and stood up leave the room. But before I did I gave Paige a quick hug.

Niall's POV

I heard the whole story. How can this guy "Dylan" be such a jerk to her!? She's so pretty and seems really nice. I lifted up her chin and wiped her tears.

"Hey love. Don't cry over that loser. He doesn't deserve you at all. You could have any guy in the world. You're just one heartbreak closer to finding your love." I told her. She smiled a little and put her hair behind her ear.

"Thanks... umm," Paige started.

"Niall." I finished for her with a smile on my face. She giggled a little and gave me a genuine smile.

"I like your accent." She said staring at the ground. Aw how adorable!

"Well you can hear more of it on our date!" I gave her a squeeze. She gave me a surprised look. I just smirked at her and got of the bed onto one knee.

"Paige 'I Don't Know Your Last Name' will you please join me to a wonderful date this Friday?" I asked her with a big grin on my face. She nodded furiously as I gave her a big hug.

"Now let's wipe those tears and go downstairs! Yeah?" I said to her. She answered with a yes and she left the bed to go clean herself up.

***Author's Note***

Hey!! Sorry for the long wait we've both been very very busy! I know it sucks but it'll get better guys! Anyways please share our story to your friends and cousins and dogs and cats and who ever!! Please we'll love you forever! Anyways Vote&Comment and you'll get a turtle hug from me! Love you lots

Editor's Note

Hey guys!! Sorry about that long wait! I was in Nebraska. The car ride was super long and I didn't have any cell phone connection. I was also sick! That was honestly the car ride from hell! Hahaha anyways, do you guys like that we brought Niall into the story? I honestly love it! Okay I've gotta wrap this up! I have sand volleyball and a party to get ready for! Vote, Comment and have a great day! Horan hugs for all! I love you lovely people! BYEEE -Kendall

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