Chapter 20

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~Before The Concert~

Amanda's POV

"Ugh I have no idea what to wear!" I screamed out for all the world to hear. I blame Kendall for always looking so gorgeous and making me look terrible!

Kendall is so lucky... She naturally so beautiful, she gets all the guys.. And especially Harry! They guys I date would never do this for me. But he did he's so sweet! And super cute! If Kenny wasn't with him, I would be all up in him! But no, Kendall is so amazing that she won him over. It would be nice for ME to get a perfect guy for once!

I walked into the hallway and stopped at Harry's room. He was sitting on his bed. Even when he's not trying he's hot! Gosh I shouldn't be saying this stuff...

"Hey Harry, what are you doing?" I said as I knocked on his door. He turned to me and gave a small smile. His smile is so adorable! He's like a little teddy bear.

"Hey uhm nothing really just chilling." He replied to me. His voice it's so deep and hot!

I walked over to his bed and sat down next to him. I put my chin on his shoulder and looked at his absolutely gorgeous face.

"Uhm what are you doing?" He asked me. I didn't answer. I just got up angrily and paced around his room.

"Why do you like her anyways!? Oh I know cause she's mega gorgeous!" I ranted to him. He gave me this confused look.

"KENDALL! She's so perfect! She gets everything.." I yelled at him. He got up from his bed as I started to throw things around.

"Hey! Hey! I really like Kendall! I'm sorry if your having issues but this is not the right way to take them out!" He shouted at me. No he's right. It's not.

"Absolutely Harry your right! But I'm not the one with problems! I know why your doing this! Why your holding my hand! It's because you want me instead of her! Well here, you can have me!" I grabbed his face and put his lips onto mine.

I kissed him.

I kissed my best friends boyfriend.

Well actually they're not even dating right so it doesn't matter! Right?

Wait... Are they dating?

"What the hell?! I'm with your best friend!" Harry pushed me off him. He wiped off his


"I-I'm sorry. I'm, I think I'm just going to go..." I say as I walk out his room.

What got into me? What's wrong with me. Kendall! She's going to hate me forever.

"Oh hey Amanda! C'mon I'll help you get ready for the concert!" Kendall came out from her room. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into my room.

~At The Concert~

She's having such an amazing time. I'm just so stupid!

Her mom just got her to meet Henry. She's so happy.

Oh my god how am I going to tell her?

I can't ruin this moment for her.

***Author's Note***

Whoa there... What do you guys think? Anyways if you liked it Vote and Comment on your favorite part! Turtle hugs for all! Love you


Editor's Note

Ohh I love the smell of drama in the morning (well.. afternoon but you know what I mean). Annnyyywayss, real life Amanda is totally NOT like this, I promise. She's actually really pretty and could probably get any guy she wants! I'm.. not very attractive in real life but WHATEVER THIS IS MY BOOK AND I CAN BE HOT IF I WANT TO. K? K. Vote, comment, and HORAN HUGS FOR ALL!! -Kendall

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