Chapter 22

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Paige's POV

We're about to go to to Starbucks and I am just dying to get some! I'm surprised we haven't went yet...

I grabbed my wallet and sunglasses, and waited for the girls. Tralalalala.. WHAT IS TAKING THEM SO LONG?

"Oh hey Paige!" I heard Niall's voice behind me. I turned around to see the blonde with a big smile on his face.

"Hey there blondie." I said giving him a hug. I love his hugs so much! They're like, heavenly! He holds on for a bit longer but I don't mind.

"Where are you off to?" He asked me as he let go. Aww he cares! Or he's just wondering.. Duh Paige!

"Oh uhm the girls and I are gonna go to Starbucks! Wanna join?" Please say yes. Please say yes!

"Sure! I'll go get my wallet, give me a minute." He answered me. Wooooo! Yas BAE is coming! Ahem anyways...

Niall ran up the stairs to his room, he literally ran! Aww he's so adorable!

I pulled out my phone and went onto the Kim Kardashian game. I know it's lame! But it's just so addictive. And Willow Pape needs to leave Hollywood like ugh ew.

"Heyyyy Paigeyyy!" Taelour skipped over to me. She seemed to be in a happy mood. Yay! That means she'll pay! Or she'll get us in trouble... Maybe she should wait in the car.

"Hey Tae. Is it okay if Niall comes along? Please! Please! Pleaaaase!" I gave her a puppy eyes look. Hopefully it works, cause with this one you never know what's going on in her head.

"Alright, it's fine with me. I know you just wanna spend time with him!" She nudged me and gave me a wink. I just shoved her a bit, but we all know that I really really want to!

"Shut up! Okay yeah I do but he doesn't have to hear it!" I whispered to her. She gave me another wink as if saying Oh okay gotcha!

He came down the stairs with a smile on his face. His eyes had a glimmer in them. With jeans on and a tank on you could see his muscles bulging out. His hair was down, how I always liked it. Down but out of his face where it shapes his face perfectly.

Am I drooling? Nope I'm good.

"Ready?" Niall said in his sweet Irish accent.

"Almost! We're just waiting for Kenny to come down." Taelour answered for me.

Praise the lord she was there or else it would've sounded like, "It-um-yeah-oh-no-she-can-um-what- JESUS you're gorgeous!"

Yeah that would've been smooth as a baby's bottom!

"Okay well where is she?" I asked them both.

Niall pointed upstairs to Harry's room. Well they were outside of it...

Niall's POV

I ran up the stairs to get to "my room." I really need to talk to Ashton and Luke! We've gotten really close and I know Harry is busy with Kendall so...

"Boys! I need your help! Paige invited me to go get coffee with them and I wanna look.. I don't know, good?" I said to them in a rushed tone. They stopped their game of cards and stood next to each other in front of me.

"Then you're gonna need to change..." Luke said. Oh no! I am not changing for a girl I said I will always be true to myself, even if that means losing Paige.

"We meant clothes you dork!" Ashton thwacked me on the head. Ouch!

"Well I thought I looked fine." I looked down to my clothes. Oh never mind.

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