Chapter 15

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Harry's POV

She nominated me.

Lord Jesus.

Wait I have an idea. Rather than donating to ALS, I could do something cool for her. Hmm what could I do?

Buy her a puppy? Nahh too annoying.

Take her out to dinner? Well I do that all the time.


I pull out my phone and begin to text.

To: Papa Styles

Yooo dad it's me Harry! I was wondering if you could get me two tickets for that One Way concert coming up?

I grinned when he answered almost immediately.

From: Papa Styles

One Way tickets?! What has my son turned into?? A crazy, hormonal teenage girl!?

I laughed at his ridiculous assumptions and texted him back.

To: Papa Styles

Actually no. They're for my.. girlfriend.. And she's not a hormonal teenage girl. She just loves the band and btw their fans aren't crazy. There's this stuff called dopamine that makes them act that way.

Hah. Take that dad. Maybe watching that One Way movie actually was worth it.

From: Papa Styles

Wow since when did MY son start actually dating girls AND learning science? Jk but I'll do my best.

To: Papa Styles

Thanks dad

I smirked evilly. Kenny will never expect this.

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