Chapter 23

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Harry's POV

The girls will be home from Starbucks any minute now.

God I have to tell Kendall soon or else I might just break down from guilt.. Or God might strike me down... Either way, I'm so doomed.

I just hope Kendall understands. I mean, Amanda kissed me, it was not my fault. But.. Maybe the few seconds that I kissed back was not a good idea. God I'm such an idiot! But Kendall is just so damn shy and I rarely get to kiss her! Maybe that's what makes me love her so-

I was interrupted by the doorbell ringing.

Oh God it's time. I think I'm gonna throw up.

"WE'RE HOMEEEEE," Taelour yelled as soon as she stepped in the door. How am I even related to her?

Kendall and Amanda walked in talking and laughing like besties but I saw the guilty look in Amanda's eyes. I wonder if they'll still be friends after I break the news..

"Hey Kendall," I grin. She's so beautiful.

"Hey Haz," Kendall replies shyly, pulling me into a hug. My eyes lock with Amanda's and the moment immediately turns awkward.

"What's wrong Haz? You seem a bit.. Off," Kendall whispers. Oh God.

"I-I need to talk to you. Alone." I say seriously. Amanda sends me a worried glare.

"Okay.. I'm worried now but I'll listen to what you say," she replies. God she's too sweet. I'm gonna miss her if she hates me after this.

"Well we're gonna go talk at Auntie Anne's because I'm hungry for a pretzel," I attempted to lighten the mood.

"Yes! I love Auntie Anne's! Let's go!" She said practically sprinting out the door.

She might not be so hungry after this news.

Author's Note

Sorry for the long wait and short chappie! I've been busy! I will hopefully update again tomorrow so be ready. It will be dramatic! Who's ready for the One Direction livestream? I know I am! Please vote and comment! Horan hugs for all! Kendall xx

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