Be warned

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I woke up to the warmth of the sun seeping through my open window. I have to meet my father today before breakfast. I quickly got in the shower and brushed my teeth. I put on one of my favourite white dresses that my mother gave to me. 

I placed my hair in a bun and walk out to the bridge. I saw my father looking into the water obviously thinking about something serious.


He looked at me and smiled, "Hello honey, I'm glad you came. I have something very serious to talk to you about. Now I need you not to interrupt me as I tell you this."

"Father please, just tell me what's going on"

He inhaled deeply and exhaled softly.

"You know about the war between us and the kingdom of Golia. You also know how us winning the war greatly angered the current king. So he sent once of his sorcerers to curse the crown that was to be given to your great-grandmother at her correnation. The sorcerer that he sent replaced the real crown with the cursed one. It turned her into a wicked queen that was feared by all. So not only did he cursed our blood but for extra measure they also cursed the crown. At your mothers correnation she was supposed to be given the cursed crown. I knew it was cursed and I tried to convince her to that it was cursed but she refused to listen."

My father turned away and faced the water below us with a look of regret and sadness. I  placed my hand on his arm comforting him, letting him know that it's okay.

"You don't have to continue if you do not wish to"

"No you must know the truth" He said sternly.

"Your mother believe that I was being a fool and put the crown on anyway. That was one of the reasons we had to leave, she became too wicked for the kingdom to handle. Ever since we left and effects of the crown were worn off she deeply regretted not listening to me. Once you turned 16 she was thrilled that she would finally be able to pass the curse onto you. Once we arrived back here with you she turned wicked again because of the cursed blood and the crown"

"But she wasn't wearing the crown how is it possible for her to turn wicked again?" I said with a slight tremble in my voice.

"The crown was designed so that way even after the queen passed the crown down a little bit of the curse would be left behind and bound to them until death. The curse was reactivated and now she wants you to take control over everyone like she never had the chance to."

I looked at him with tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I was feeling great fear, not the fear you get from spiders or snakes. This fear was genuine.

"Carma please promise me you will not take the crown from your mother at your correnation tonight, please...I don't want to lose I lost your mother..."

"I won't, I promise but what will I do? How will I officially be crowned queen?"

"Two guards with kneel before you with two separate boxes one guard will wear white and the other will wear black. They dress that way to confuse you, black means death, white means purity, but the cursed crown lies with the guard in white. That's how your mother was tricked into wearing the crown, hey mother told her to pick the white guard and she did. So please choose the black guards box. That box has the real crown in it." He said almost pleading with me

"But father what about the townsfolk won't they think I'm choosing the cursed crown?"

"Your people are smart Carma they've seen it happen time after time again, they know that the white box holds the cursed crown"

"Okay father, thank you for telling me this."

"Anything to keep my baby safe"

He looked down and pulled a ring from his pocket.

Blood Cursed, Prophecy Of The Protector Where stories live. Discover now