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Sorry about taking so long to update the book I needed a little time away to relax after publishing all those chapters in a short period of time. I hope you all are enjoying the story so far let me know what you think about the book and be sure go leave a vote that would really help a lot. Thanks so much😙


I remember everything going black before I woke up. I was chained to a wall by my wrists and ankles, in nothing but my sports bra and shorts. I heard footsteps walking towards my cell, and the groans of the cell door being opened. I looked up to see Luc walking in smiling at me wickedly.

"You're one nosy little girl you know that? The capture wasn't supposed to happen for a couple more days, but since you wanted to snoop through my papers plans had to change."

"Why are you doing this to me?!" I said angrily

"You see Carma, your kingdom has been known for being the best, for protecting its people. My father wishes to end that and in time take over all the kingdoms, but he has the largest grudge on yours so he decided to take yours first. Don't get me wrong I admire you greatly, your strength and dedication astound me, but your kingdom must pay for humiliating my father's kingdom"

"You don't deserve control. Your a selfish lowlife. Your vial, and filthy."

I spit at him landing it on his face. He stepped back, angrily wiping the spit from his cheek, looking at me with a look of hatred and anger.


"I am not! That kingdom is mine and I will make an amazing ruler, better than you could ever be."

He pulled out a small dagger encrusted with rubies across the handle.

"You know I was going to take the pleasure of torturing you myself, but I think that someone else should be here to tag along. Come on out dear nephew."

I heard heavy boots walking down the corridor walking calm and swiftly. I looked at the cell do awaiting the man who was walking towards us. A man in a clothes and a hood walked towards me with his head down. He took the dagger from Luc and continued to walk towards me. He stood in front of me breathing softly. I could smell cologne on him it was subtle yet strong at the same time.

"I think it's time Carma knows the truth dearest nephew, why don't you reveal yourself to our guest."

The hooded figure slowly raised his hands to his hood and pulled it back revealing dirty blonde hair. He looked up at me and smiled with his eye brow raised.

"Long time no see nerd. How's the castle life treating ya? Heard you've never been happier. It must be nice ya know, having people do everything for you heeding to your every whim, leaving your best friend to fend for himself back home."

"Kyle, I'm so sorry, I was going to call you but-"

"Oh stop with the lies! You weren't going to do anything for me, why would you? You've always had everything you ever wanted in life. You parents heed to your every whim and desire. Me on the other hand, I had to work for EVERYTHING I wanted. But that's done now, now you're going to know what it feels like to suffer."

He walked towards me holding the dagger towards me. He brought the dagger up and slowly dragged it across my arm. I screamed in pain as thick red blood trickled down my arm. He laughed and handed the knife to Luc.

"Doesn't feel every nice does it? Having to suffer in pain and sorrow while everyone else around you lives the high life." Sean said wickedly.

Luc was now standing in front of me face to face, eye to eye. He put the dagger under my chin raising it higher.

Blood Cursed, Prophecy Of The Protector Where stories live. Discover now