Chapter 8: The Loss of a Friend

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Eloise strode through the busy room, carrying large trays of operating utensils. As she passed the injured soldiers, she would offer them a kind smile in hopes to lift their diminishing spirits. The weeks under General's Beck's tutelage passed quickly, diligently working her way through his tough lessons. He claimed she had a gift, an art for working in such conditions; but she doubted his words.

The days were long and hard, and sometimes the work was not always rewarding. Every night her feet ached in ways she never realized they could; and when it was time for her to sleep, no matter how tired she was, her mind would not let her rest—there was always work to be done.

"Where do you think you are taking those?" Giselle Bosch scolded Eloise, halting her in the middle of the walkway. "You do not have the authority to use such objects."

Eloise nodded, "I am aware, Matron, I was given orders to return them General Beck."

"I will take them to him myself." Giselle scowled, snatching the tray out of her hands. She lightly nudged Eloise to the side and walked past her, swaying cockily before disappearing into another section.

Eloise let out a long sigh as she looked around at the staring patients who had just witnessed the scene of humiliation. She ran her hands down the front of her white apron before continuing on with her daily tasks.

After gaining the popularity among the soldiers and becoming the favored pupil of General Beck, Eloise soon became the enemy to the matron, Giselle Bosch. Giselle's grueling tasks tested her during the weeks of training, but Eloise managed to overcome them which made Giselle dislike her even more.

Eloise paused at the end of the full room and glanced down at her favorite patient in the last bed. Muller was scrawled on the board that hung above his feet. His brown eyes beamed at her with appreciation—a look that was not too often found in the hospital. He was just thankful to be alive after his atrocious plane crash.

"How are you feeling today, Terrell?" Eloise asked as she approached his side. She poured him a glass of water and reached it to him.

"I am well, I suppose" he replied in a hushed tone. "Do you think that you could find me something to ease my pain?"

She went to his side and pressed her hand on his forehead. "What is hurting on you, Terrell?"

He took a deep breath, "Everything, I believe. I have noticed that it hurts when I take a deep breath."

The remark automatically made Eloise concerned for his well-being, knowing that something internally could be wrong. "I will return in a few minutes." She remarked patting him on the bare arm before leaving to retrieve a shot of anesthetic.

Just as she made it to the other room, she was abruptly caught by the arm. With a fearful look, she quickly turned to face who was holding her. The last thing she expected to see was the piercing blue eyes of Albert staring back at her. She stared soundlessly at him, wondering if he was really there—or if it was the product of her imagination. She closed her eyes and shook her head, and upon opening them he was still there.

"I never thought I would see you again." Albert finally spoke, a half-smile appearing on his stiff face. A silence grew between them as they studied each other carefully.

Eloise shook her head. "Neither did I."

Albert released her and placed his hands at his side. He stood poised in full uniform—just like a captain should look. "I am looking for Lieutenant Terrell Muller."

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