Chapter 11: A New Friend

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Eloise awoke to the sound of loud motors roaring overhead. She quickly shook herself upright and began to inspect her surroundings. It took her several seconds to realize where she was at—at the airfield. Her eyes roamed over to the nearby cot where Albert lay perfectly still. He held a blank stare upward, fixated on the white drapery above. She stood from the chair where she had been asleep; for how long, she did not know. The hours and the days as a nurse ran together, making it extremely difficult for her to keep up with.

She stretched her arms over her head while blood began to circulate back through her stiffened legs. Her hands smoothed out the wrinkles that were present from being seated. She soon neared Albert's bedside.

"I wondered when you were going to wake, Eloise." Albert spoke softly. "That chair must have been dreadfully uncomfortable to sleep on. I know I can hardly stand to sit in it to fill out my papers."

She felt a rush going to her cheeks. "I suppose when one is tired they can sleep anywhere."

He looked up at her with bright eyes. The color had returned to his face, which made her feel at ease. With a steady hand she helped him to sit up. She rested her hand onto his wrapped shoulder and began to examine the faint visual of blood staining the white fabric. Her fingers began to work diligently at un-bandaging and inspecting the wounds. His exposed chest left her feeling a slight bit of discomfort as she moved her arms around his back. Her fingers brushed along his bare skin as she began untying the white bandages, exposing a large bullet hole in his shoulder.

"How are you not dead?" She shockingly remarked, staring at the bloody exit wound vibrantly exposed on his pale skin. She touched the remaining scar on the back of his neck that she had healed months prior.

He shrugged, "Perhaps it is because of the wonderful nurse that brings life back into my body."

She shook her head, ignoring the comment. Beside the bed was a table of supplies. Steadily she found her roll of bandages and ointment before turning back to Albert.

"I wouldn't say that, Captain." She retorted, patting the injured area clean. "I would say that you have luck on your side."

"You've saved my life again, Eloise." Albert remarked, resting his hand atop of hers. "I can never repay you for what you have done."

"I didn't save you captain." She replied bluntly, slipping her hand away from his. "Your comrades saved you. General Beck saved you. I did nothing. You should not worry yourself about repayment. The only request I ask for you is to work toward keeping your well-being. Try not to get injured so often."

"One cannot help what happens to them," he paused with a shrug. "It isn't so bad when I get to have such a lovely nurse to help me onto my feet."

She gathered her water pail from nearby and retrieved the linen cloth from its rim. With the moistened rag she pressed it against his injuries and began to clean around them. They were cool to the touch, which calmed Eloise's fears of his previous fever. She took the paste made from yarrow and began to dob it onto the healing crevices. He winced as she placed the stinging cream against his wounds. Her eyes looked down upon him and gently smiled. She finished bandaging the wound as quickly as she could. Albert stared at her longingly, examining the awkward expression that was scattered along her face. She locked her eyes into the pools of blue that studied her every move carefully. Nervously, she brushed away the brown strand of hair that fell from the wrap around her head.

"What are you afraid of, Eloise?" Albert softly whispered to her, offering her a cunning smile.

Eloise felt her cheeks growing warm as she averted her eyes away from him, fixating her gaze onto the opposite wall. She placed the dirtied bandages into the large bowl and turned away from him. Ignoring his further advances, she returned the supplies to the table. She stood perfectly still beside the table with her back turned, acting as if she was busy with the few objects she had.

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