Chapter 13: The Final Night

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"You're coming, aren't you?" Moritz questioned bluntly, offering Eloise his arm.

"Where?" She asked confused.

"To breakfast." He said cheerfully. "You have not joined us a single morning since you've been here. I think since it is your last day here, you should come. It would be a pleasure for us all."

She bit her lower lip and looked back at her tent. Moritz continued to eagerly stare at her until she finally agreed. She had saw the morning spread daily, but never dared to include herself in to the affairs of the men. She was not of them nor did she feel like one. She was content when she was alone in her tent reading the borrowed books of Moritz.

They quietly approached the set table in the distance. The long table was beside the large tent with the planes. The group of men watched Eloise carefully as Albert greeted her warmly and introduced her. He pulled out the chair between himself and Moritz, inviting Eloise to sit. She eased down and looked at the men across from her. The way they stared at her made her feel uncomfortable. She felt that she had overstepped her boundary and wanted to leave just as she had arrived.

"I think I will leave." She whispered to Moritz.

He shook his head. "I don't think you should do that now." He replied, leaning close to her. "now that you are seated, it would be very rude to leave."

Eloise nodded and remained where she was at. The men were becoming more comfortable around her and began conversing amongst themselves. They started laughing and talking, which made Eloise feel better.

Their conversations were soon interrupted by Albert, who addressed the group with concern. "Has anyone seen young Matthias? He should have returned by now."

"He was flying beside me and decided to turn back. He gave me a sign to go on, so I assumed he was well." One of the fliers announced. He glanced over at the empty chair with worry. "I was wondering if I should go back for him."

"Give him some time. You know how he is. He likes to stop off for souvenirs," Albert shook his head and sighed. "let us hope that is what happened."

The group became silenced as they awaited the return of their comrade. Before long a loud roar came from overhead, causing the group to perk up. They rushed to the center of the airfield and looked up, only to witness the sights they never wanted to see. Before their eyes was a British aircraft tailing the lone German. Fire spewing from the guns of the enemy craft. The men down below drew their pistols and began firing upon the British craft, knowing their attempt to save their comrade was for naught. In a matter of seconds, the German plane began to smoke violently. The thick cloud of thick smoke stained the once happy blue sky with death. Upon realizing his success, the British pilot offered a salute and flew away. They watched as the enemy slowly disappeared on the horizon, while their own man was burning.

"He is either going to jump," Albert said coldly, taking his eyes away from the horrid scene happening in the air. "or take his life with a bullet."

Eloise glanced over at Albert, who was visibly distraught. Tears were welling in his eyes. He let a sigh roll from his lips before he looked back up at the scene. In the air they could see the form of the man rising from his seat. He jumped before those on the ground could fathom it. They stood frozen with terror as they watched the plane's spiraling decent to the earth, crashing in a fiery blaze. In the following the seconds the man hit the ground.

An eerie silence succumbed the area around them. No words could explain the scene that had just played out before them. Their minds were stilled entirely, unable to react appropriately to the event that happened quickly. Eloise glanced around at the quiet, shocked men, then back at the fallen man. Instinctually, she rushed toward him. Albert immediately followed after her.

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