Chapter 3

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Damita pov
I was hungry as a bitch. Shawn was gon to somewhere and Lexi was next door. I was slowly debating if I wanted to walk all the way over there.

I finally gave up and got up to go over there. As I walked in Chris was sitting on the couch. "Come sit on my lap babygirl." He smiled  at me. I put my head down. "Yea no I can't do that." I said while walking to the stairs and going up them.

"Yo Damita dont do that come here!" He yelled jumping over the couch. "Boy what the hell you doing to momma see u doing that to her furniture and she gon kill you" I laughed while walking up the rest of the stairs.

He ran and grabbed my arm. I snatched my arm away. "I said no Chris." I rolled my eyes and went into Alexis room to see nothing but  Shawn fucking her. My mouth dropped.

"What the fuck?" I yelled. Shawn jumped up. "Am it ain what it look like." I shook my head. "Damn nigga is that yo favorite line?" Chris chuckled. I looked at him.

"How long has this been going on Alexis." I yelled. She put her head down as if she was ashamed. "A year almost two." She said putting on her clothes. I felt betrayed and used.

"So you knew about this !" I yelled at Chris. "Naw ma he just found out like a week ago." Shawn said trying to save him but it only made it worse. " a week huh? Do you fucking used me to get back at them? Is that what it was ?" I yelled pushing him.

"What the hell you mean?" Alexis stood up. "Well last week apparently when he found out about y'all , he came to my office."  I said looking at him. "And for what exactly?" Shawn said. "Go ahead and tell them Chris." I said stepping back.  "Well Shawn I went to do to your mother exactly what you've been doing to mine for almost 2 years." He smiled.

I felt so disrespected. I've actually caught myself thinking about that day for the past week and all he did was use me. Shawn then out of nowhere punched Chris in the face and Chris fought back. Alexis and I pulled them apart. " What the fuck stop." Alexis said.

"Damita I can't believe you" She said . I raised my eyebrow. "Me? Nigga you were banging my son this whole fucking time ! And you can't believe me?

It's not my fault YOUR son wanted to crawl in my pants despite the fact that I did try and say no he wouldn't listen BITCH ITS NOT MY FAULT! And none of you are gonna blame me for this." I said walking out. "All of you stay the fuck away from me" I yelled while slamming the door.

I walked over to my house and going straight upstairs closing my door. I laid on the bed and cried.

Chris pov

"Well when were u going to tell me you banged my best friend?" My mother asked . We were now in my shed behind the house. "I don't get why it matters, she's never gonna let it happen again now that it seems like I used her" I shook my head. "Well didn't you ?"

She asked. "What the fuck ? Why would I do that I love her." I stopped when I realized what I said. "You what?" She whipped her head around. Fuck. I mentally cursed myself.

"I love her ma, and no it's not because she took the V card. She's just perfect. I've always felt this way about her. And when I found out about you and Shawn. I just couldn't keep it in anymore." I said smiling.

I've always felt this way about her but shit I just never said that shit out loud.

4 days. 4 fucking days since it happened. And Damita hasn't talked to any of us. She's literally been locked in her house the whole time. She's locked every door. And we took that as a sign to leave her alone. But it was killing me. I had to see her. I walked down the stairs to see my moms laying down on Shawn. It irked the hell out of me to see em but I let that shit slide.

"Yo Shawn where ya house keys" I asked. He looked at me. "For what? So you can go fuck my moms?" He chuckled. I grew very tired of his bs. "Yea , that's exactly why." I smirked while patting him on the shoulder. My mother or should I say Alexis rose up handing me the keys. "Baby if she gets what she wants then we do too." She said kissing his cheeks. I almost gagged.

I walked out and unlocked the back door closing it again and going up to her bed room. She was sleeping on her bed. I smirked and took a picture. I then set me phone down dropping all my clothes off til my boxers. She was wearing a big t-shirt so this was working out in my favor. I climbed over her and looked under her shirt to see she also didn't have on any panties.

Even better. I dove in. I ate her like she was my last meal. Pretty soon she started moaning. And then right after that those pretty brown eyes fluttered open. She looked down and me and gasped. "Ch-chrisss stop we c-can't do this anymore ooooo fuck that feels good." Her eyes fluttered and rolled in the back of her head.

"What are you doing down there." She moaned. She clenched my head with her legs. "Oooo fuck shit Chris stop." She said as she pushed my head further into her and arched her back. I chuckled sending vibrations to her clit. I then stuck my finger 2 of them to be exact deep inside her knuckles deep making her arch her back even more.

She started clenching me and she did this most epic high pitch scream and squirted all over my face. I gratefully took it all in. I pulled my fingers out and placed a nice soft kiss on her clit. "Fuck" she yelled. I laid on the side of her. And smiled. ""What did you just do?" She said trying to catch her breathe.

"Babygirl chill you acting like you've never had head before." I said while kissing her neck. "Well..." she dragged on. I looked at her. "Hold up , you've never had head?" I sat up. She shook her head. "What the fuck how? It's not like you were the Virgin" i asked.

"Well Michael is my first and only. And he never liked going down so I've never experienced it Welp he was my only. Until someone decided to used me " She replied. I pulled her close me. " baby I was not using you I swear , I would never, Ive felt some type of way about u since I was about 16 , your just perfect to me and for me." I said kissing her forehead.

I meant every word I said. She meant everything to me. "I'm just scared some is gonna get hurt." She said looking down. I slipped my boxers off. " Leme take yo worries away shorty." I climbed on top of her entering her.

In moments like these I forgot about her husband , her son , and her best friend. It was all about her. Me making her feel good. Showing her true love.


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