Chapter 5

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Lex pov

I looked at Shawn as he slept

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I looked at Shawn as he slept. I was really hurt about what Damita said. He said that it happened while we weren't together but still. That boy is my heart.

I got up and walked out to see Damita walking out of chris room fully clothed. "You leaving." I asked and she jumped. "Uh yea" she said as she tried to keep walking.

"Damita we didn't do this to hurt you , but I don't wanna stop this , I don't see a reason too." I said and I meant every word. "Then don't that's y'all life do as you please." She said.

"So you don't care about us leaving?" I said and she stopped and looked at me. "What do you mean." She came closer. " Shawn and I thought it would be better and less drama if we leave." I explained.

"So your taking my son away from me?" She said. " mita it's not like that."I tried to explain but she ran out the house.
4 days later
Damita pov
I sat in the living room of my out house.  I came here when I needed to think. I was smoking a blunt when for the hundredth time my phone went off.

 I was smoking a blunt when for the hundredth time my phone went off

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I rolled my eyes and decided to text Michael instead.

I rolled my eyes and decided to text Michael instead

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I shook my head . I was tired of everybody. I felt betrayed and abandoned. I mean why couldn't my own son tell me he was sleeping with my best friend ?

Why couldn't he tell me he was moving away from me. And on top of that I was sleeping with a boy way younger than me and he was my best friend son.

I was so flustered. There was a knock on my door. I frowned cause nobody should have known I was here. I got up and opened the door.

 "You running from me ma?" Chris said

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"You running from me ma?" Chris said. I shook my head and rolled my eyes going back to lay down. "How did you find me?" I asked. "My mother is your best friend did you forget?" He chuckled laying next to me.

"Was. She WAS my best friend." I stated. "Why are you so in your feelings about my moms?" He asked. "She's sleeping with my son." I said. "And your sleeping with hers." He stated.

"Yea. But this would have never happened if you wouldn't have found out about them and wouldn't have wanted revenge. Besides it's not like we're running away their moving away together." I said yanking  away from him.

"Wait their moving?" He sat up. "Yep lex told me before I left." I said popping my P. He sat up and looked at me. I traced his hand over my belly and up my shirt.

"Leme tale care of you then I'll deal with your son." He said kissing my neck. I pushed him up. "My son? No you need to talk to your mother." I said getting from under him.

"My mother? I'm pretty sure it's your son that's put this idea in her head all he ever does is run from his problems." I looked at him.

"Well I'm sorry u feel that way but I know for a fact that this is your moms doing for the exact same reason." I grabbed his keys and gave them to him.

"Damita your not going to disrespect my mother." He said . "And your not gonna disrespect my son no matter what he's my seed." I stated.

"Well I see where this is going I'll leave. Besides your still married to that coward so I don't know why I'm having this conversation with yo foolish ass." He said putting his coat on.

"Michael has nothing to do with this so you can leave now." I said yet again. "Actually he does because he fucks you up and you want to take it out on everybody else . And your son damn near fucked up just like him!" He yelled scaring me and hurting my feelings .

I guess he saw the hurt on my face as he grabbed his keys and left. All these men had me fucked up today.

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