10th Doctor [The Christmas Invasion]

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(Song Meaning - "As Long As You Love Me" by Sleeping At Last. One of my favorite authors on this site, TheGameIsOn97, used this song in her Doctor Who series and I fell in love with it. I feel like this song especially describes Jade and the Doctor's current situation perfectly. While Jade is a little skeptical of this new Doctor, all they really want is for each other to still love each other.)



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Jackie Tyler, Rose's mother, was placing presents under the Christmas tree. She sighed when she picked up her present to Rose. To be honest, all she wanted for Christmas was for her daughter to come home. And if the Doctor and that strange girl were part of the package, so be it.

Jackie perked up upon hearing a familiar metallic, wheezing sound and looked around with a smile before running out of her flat into the street. "Rose!"

She met up with Mickey Smith, Rose's boyfriend. "Mickey!" she called when she saw him.

"Jackie, it's the TARDIS!" Mickey exclaimed.

"I know! I know! I heard it! She's alive, Mickey! I said so, didn't I? She's alive!" Jackie squealed.

"Just shut up a minute," Mickey said, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.

"Well, where is it, then?" Jackie asked impatiently.

The TARDIS materialized above them and bounced off a section of the building, almost crashing into a post office truck, and finally crashed, knocking down several waste bins. One of the TARDIS doors opened, revealing a man who looked to be in his early to mid thirties, wild brown eyes and even wilder brown hair, dressed in the Doctor's clothes. Not far behind him was Jade, holding onto his shoulders. "Here we are, then!" he cheered in a Southern London accent. "London, Earth, the Solar System! We did it! Jade, are you alright? No bruises or bumps?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Jade answered in a shaky voice, still a little affected by the wild ride she had been on. She let go of her grip on the man and followed him out of the TARDIS. Both smiled when they finally noticed the bewildered Mickey and Jackie.

"Jackie! Mickey! Blimey!" the man backed away suddenly. "No, no, no, no. Hold on. Wait there. I've got something to say... wait a minute. What was it?"

"Honey, it may not be a good idea to push yourself, especially after--" Jade began before the strange man interrupted.

"No, hold on! Hold on! Hold on. Shush, shush, shush, shush."

He thought for a moment before smiling brightly. "Oh! I know! Merry Christmas."

And he fainted, with Jade catching him so his head wouldn't hit the ground. Rose ran out of the TARDIS. "What happened? Is he alright?" she asked. Mickey answered because Jade was too focused on the unconscious man, "I don't know, he just keeled over. But who is he? Where's the Doctor?"

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