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I've been friends with Jack for years. It's hard to tell people about him just because he means so much to me. When I was alone he was the only one there.

Of course my parents came and Anna was always looking at me with that expression that told me she worried for me. I think everyone did.

But how could I tell them that I was the one who worried for all of them the most? Worried about what I might do to them - what my powers might do.

I was so scared.


I think Jack and I became friends just because he knew exactly how I felt. To be alone. And to have the power of winter at your fingertips.

That first time, I was so scared and couldn't keep the power under control. I was feeling it just so much. Snowflakes hung in the air of my room and frost curled up the walls. Even though I had the gloves on, it wasn't helping. Nothing was.

And then I heard frost crackling up the panes of the window, and I whirled around, clutching my hands to my chest, afraid that maybe now was the time my powers would get the best of me. It was nighttime and everyone in the castle except me was asleep.

The frost on the windowpane curled around the wooden slats of the glass in icy tendrils, and even though I knew my power had settled down, the frost still kept growing.

It wasn't me so then what was it? Was my power expanding even more where I couldn't even feel it anymore?

My heart started to pound as I glanced down at my gloved hands. I was supposed to conceal my powers, to not feel them. But what if not feeling them was more dangerous than feeling them?

The window creaked, and I glanced back up to see a boy crouched there on the ledge, looking at me with frost-blue eyes. His hair was white, a little paler than mine, and he had frost lining the shoulders and cuffs of his blue jacket. He had a staff in one hand, and as a gust of wind blew into my room through the open window the boy seemed to float with it until he landed softly on the floor a few feet away from me.

"Wh-who are you?" I stammered, taking a step back. There was only the wall behind me and I bumped against it. "Stay away from me! I'm dangerous!"

I held pulled my gloves off and held my hands out defensively in front of me. I could feel my heart pounding against my ribs and the surface of the wall behind me.

The boy frowned and titled his head at me.

"Dangerous?" he asked. "Why?"

"Just look," I said, glancing at my frost covered, snowy room.

The boy didn't even glance at the room as he smiled at me.

"Winter isn't dangerous," he said, "It's beautiful."

"I hurt my sister," I said, my hands starting to shake along with my voice. "I am dangerous!"

"Yeah well there's danger in anything if you find a way to make it hurtful," the boy said with a shrug, and then he crouched down to look at me in the eye. "But don't think you're dangerous, ok?"

"I-I" I took a breath. I didn't even know this person and yet here I was talking to him. What was he even doing here anyway? Who was he? "What's your name?" I finally asked, lowering my hands slightly.

"My name?" the boy laughed, "You sure you don't know me? After all we do have the same sorts of powers."

"I don't," I said. And then I blurted out, "And if we have the same powers then you'll tell me your name."

"How about I do better than that?" he said, smiling at me again. He set down his staff and held his hands out to me. "How about I be your friend?"

I gulped. A friend? Why? I didn't even know him, and he didn't even know me otherwise he'd be calling me your highness and acting like he knew I was the princess-heir to Arendelle.

"It's ok," he said, his smiling growing a little wider. "I know, ok? Being lonely is tough."

"I'm Elsa," I said a moment later, looking at him again. I put my hand in his, glancing down at our joined hands. His skin felt just like mine - like he had winter inside of him yet it didn't bother him.

The cold didn't bother us. I looked up at him again, feeling a little smile pulling at the corners of my mouth. Maybe...just maybe...I would have a friend - someone who was like me.

"That's a pretty name," the boy said. "Guess we're going to be friends now, right?"

I nodded. "I think we might," I said.

"Good," he said. "Well then Elsa, my name is Jack Frost."

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