Beginnings - Jack's Tale

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The moon told me my name but the wind brought me to Elsa. The moon just watched as gusts carried me here and there, bouncing among the clouds, and skipping just over the surface of the ocean. I laughed and let the wind spin me around and around, turning me nearly breathless with the tumbles and turns.

I didn't really care where I was going, knowing that sooner or later the wind always ended up back on land. Sometimes the wind just liked to play. And this was fun. Who didn't like fun?

Hours, or maybe minutes later (I don't know since time seemed to literally fly by) I saw the spires of a castle in the distance.

"Huh," I muttered to myself. "This place is new."

The air was warm and smelled of flowers and spices as the wind dropped me on the wooden deck of a ship. I landed lightly on the balls of my feet, fingers tight around the wood of my staff. The ship swayed gently, tugging lightly on its anchor chain as the wind wrapped around the mast and rigging. Other than that, the night was calm and quiet.

And warm. Very warm. I didn't mind heat, but it could seem like a smothering thing at times. Almost like blanket wrapped around my head where the only thing I could smell was my breath. I didn't like it.

I was tempted to turn things a little chilly on board, but because it was so warm I knew that even despite the fun it would be to see the looks on people's faces when they discovered that their ships were frosted over, I knew it wouldn't be a very smart thing to do.

So I decided to cool off my doing a little exploring. It was a new place, no one was awake, so why not? Of course it wouldn't matter if people were awake or not since no one ever saw me. I really don't know why that was, even after asking the moon countless times the only thing it had ever told me was my name. Jack Frost. And then nothing but silence from it.

The thing about going around at night was that it was easier for me to pretend that people couldn't see me just because it was dark. That I chose to hide, not that I was invisible. I don't know. It's just one of the things I did that made my lonely life bearable I suppose.

After going around the village for a bit, sending a little bit of frost on a window for someone to discover in the morning, skating long the cobblestones on a piece of slate, and pretending to have to concentrate to keep my balance on the thin edge of a roof peak, I glanced over at the castle again.

It sat off by itself from the village, on its own little island of rock walls and speared towers. There was a narrow road that connected it to the village, which ignored as a gust of wind swept down the street that I was standing in, and let that carry me to one of the towers. I spun around one of the spires with a laugh, and then motion in one of the windows of a tower drew my attention.

Curious, I floated with the wind to land on the outside ledge of the window, and peered in. I smelled the cold before I saw that the room was filled with snowflakes just hanging in the middle of the room. White streaked the walls as snow lay in piled drifts against the walls, and in the middle of it all a girl crouched, her arms around herself.

She had white-blonde hair in a single braid down her back and wore a light blue dress. Even though there was snow everywhere in her room, she didn't even shiver or seem bothered by it. As I watched, her shoulders gave a little hitch and with a blue shimmer more snow appeared in the air.

Surprised, I gasped as I pulled away from the window, my mind racing. There was...someone else like me? Someone else...I peered back at the girl...who was so alone? Unconsciously, I heard the crackle of frost as I accidentally started to frost the window over, and I pulled my hand away, sticking it into the pocket of my jacket.

But the girl had heard, and she turned to the window. Her skin was pale and her large blue eyes seemed to almost leap out of her heart-shaped, young face as she clutched her hands to her chest.

I just crouched there outside as the frost continued to spread across the window until the whole pane was frosted over. I could barely see the girl anymore, but she glanced down at her hands and by her expression I could see that she was confused as to why the frost was there. Perhaps she thought it was her doing it?

Again, I could see how lonely she was and looked. I knew exactly what that was like. My whole life was like that. And so that was the reason that I pushed the window open and let the wind float me into her room.

This girl needed a friend...just as much as I did. The wind curled around me, almost sounding like it chuckled. And the moon just watched.

And right then was when I knew that the wind was a better friend to me than the moon because it had brought me to someone who I could be friends with while the moon only gave me my name. And so if anyone asks, that's how I'll say that I met Elsa. The wind introduced us.

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