Maybe More

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Something was definitely wrong with me. I couldn't stop thinking about Elsa: the way she moved, the little fluttering of her hands when she was nervous, the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed...pretty much everything about her.

I scrubbed my face with snow, rode the wind until I was dizzy, but still her face stayed with me and the warm ache in my heart grew and grew. It got so bad, I even asked the moon if he could help me.

"I can't stop thinking about Elsa," I said, leaning on my staff and looking up at the silver orb. "Am I sick?"

But of course, he didn't answer. Figures. He only really talked when he needed to, not when others needed to.


Jack hadn't come for a long time. The days stretched on and summer came and went, and still there was no sign of my fun-loving friend. In fact, I hadn't seen him since that magical flight through the air. At first I'd barely noticed, I'd been so busy negotiating with Wesselton. But now...

"You keep looking out the window," Anna remarked one day, catching me as I absentmindedly thought of Jack, hoping that maybe tonight I'd hear a knock on my window and see his grinning face. "And you've been doing it a lot." She titled her head to the side with a teasing smirk. "Thinking of running away again? Because I wouldn't blame you. Wesselton stinks."

I laughed but my stomach gave an embarrassed flutter when I realized that even Anna, wonderful Anna, had been noticing that I missed Jack.

I missed Jack. I missed his crazy pranks, the way his hair sparkled like frost, that special smile he saved only for me.

"Goodness," I said, then realized I'd said it out loud. Anna was looking at me strange. I laughed again and smoothed my gown. "That's an option I think I should consider."

"Take me with you," Anna said, "I swear if that wig-wearing baron comes near me again, I'm seriously considering letting Kristoff chase him off."

"I'll keep that option also in mind," I said, getting to my feet. It was getting dark and I was tired. I yawned behind my hand. "Ugh, whoever says being queen is easy doesn't know what they're talking about."

"You're doing great though," Anna said, getting up from her chair and giving me a hug. "Mother and Father would be proud of you."

"I hope so," I murmured, hugging her back.

On the way to my room, I thought about our parents. I had always known that one day I would be queen, but perhaps with someone by my side. Now, I had no choice. I was the lone ruler.

Princes and kings from far and wide had, at first, come to seek my hand; to align kingdoms. But I wasn't ready for a king...someone I could share my life with.

What about Jack? The question suddenly popped into my mind and I paused halfway up the stairs. For one long, strangely daring moment...I thought about it. Really thought about it.

Jack had been there for me as long as I could remember. His was one of the few constant faces in my life that didn't look at me with fear or wariness. His presence was one thing that kept me sane during those long years locked in my room. If I could spend my life with anyone, it would be him.

Silly, I told myself, shaking out of it. He's immortal. He hasn't aged a day since you first met him. You're already strange enough. What would people say about a king who didn't grow old?

And with that, I hurried off to my room, pushing all thoughts of Jack out of my head. He was my friend nothing more, even though my heart, despite everything rationally, ached for it to be otherwise.

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