Elsa Alone

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I wrapped my arms around myself as I heard a knock on my door. I knew it was going to Anna, even before her sing-song voice came through the wood. She just had this knock that was unique to her.

"Do you want to build a snowman?" she asked, "It's snowing again. You love the snow...remember?" A pause. "Are you ok?"

I sighed, glancing out my window. It was snowing again, soft gentle flakes fluttering to the ground in a beautiful cascade of glimmering white. I imagined running out of my room with Anna and building our pretend friend Olaf the snowman together - like we used to.

But then, almost like it was happening all over again, I saw the white streak of icy snow from my hand hitting Anna in the face and watched her fall limply to the floor. I shivered and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Elsa?" Anna asked again, and I heard her limbs hit the floor and I imagined her stretched out on the wooden floor, peering through the crack under my door like she always used to whenever doors were closed.

"I'm fine," I said, "Go away, Anna. Go build a snowman by yourself."

There was another pause. And then I heard Anna pick herself back and heard her large sigh.

"Ok," she said. "Bye."

I opened my eyes again as her footsteps slowly grew softer. Once I didn't hear her anymore, I opened my door. The hall outside was empty, but I caught just the slightest flick of green as Anna disappeared around the corner.

The silence in the hall was almost terrifying, but it was a sound I'd grown used to. Used to being alone.

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