Chapter 6

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I remembered last night. I’d had a dream. 

It was dark. I was probably back in San Diego where Mike and I shared an apartment and Jamie would come over to hangout. There was loud music coming from my doorway, but I was outside.

Faintly, I could make out the image of a girl. It was Cara, I saw as I squinted. A smile spread on my face and I jogged over to her with my arms wide open.


I began, but she turned to me. She was standing infront of Justin. He had a wicked smirk on his face and his shirt was off and his fly was down. Cara looked at me, those eyes I loved were suddenly cold.

“Go away Vic.”

She said, before disappearing and leaving me in the dark again. A rush of wind came over me and I kept walking, my mind had drifted on to Jamie. Who I saw perched against a wall. I ran over. He looked up and smiled.

My arms went around him, but suddenly he began to fade slowly. Small part of his arms and legs disintegrating into thin air.


He started to disappear faster, tears coming to my eyes.

“’t go. Don’t. I need you!”

His entire body was now gone. My hands shakingly on his cheeks as the last of him washed away from my hands.

“No, Jamie, come back! I can’t do this on my own, don’t go!”

I yelled. Tears streaming fast and causing my body to rack with sobs. I’d destroyed the only thing I truly loved...

I’d been woken up by Jamie, who’d shaken me awake. I remembered just grabbing onto his shirt, cuddling my head close to make sure it was real and that my nightmare had in fact not come true.

Then, like an idiot I kissed him.

It felt like heaven on Earth. Having my lips against his. His fingers had tangled in my hair and he just held me close. Made me feel something that no girl ever had made me feel. I knew deep in my heart I was either dreaming, or Jamie was teasing me. I couldn’t take it.

I pulled away, apologizing and felt him nod and roll out of the bunk. I was crushed. Seeing him leave and feeling the warmth I loved leave with him.


I’d called out quietly to myself, hiding deeper into my blankets. What had I done?


The next morning, all I could hear was the commotion. I could pretty much guess that Cara had somehow snuck her way back onto the bus. My brothers voice sounded enraged and I bet he would have killed her if he could. 

“Vic! Tell your brother that I can come in!”

She yelped at me as I walked in, rubbing my eyes still heavy from sleep. I stared at her for a moment. She used to appeal to me so much, now she seemed so disgusting. I didn’t even want to touch her.

“Get the fuck out of here Cara, we’re over.”

I walked past her and into the front lounge. My body was shaking, this time from anger. I just needed her to get out. Far away from me and anyone else.

“Vic! I love you...V..Vic...”

I heard the door shut, thanking the lords that Mike had a sassy side to himself. He could be a real bitch when it came to annoying people. Especially Cara. I’d been such an idiot. He’d warned me. Tony had warned me. Hell, even Casey had told me she was trouble. But I was dumb and I thought I was in love...

Finally, I heard Jamie throw her suitcase out the window and the bus began it’s way down the road. Our first stop was in London, so it’d be a long ride. Mike and Tony had sauntered off to go play FIFA. Leaving myself and Jamie alone.

Oh no. Awkward.

I wanted to say something, looking up only to let my breath hitch. 

There was Jamie, shirtless. His toned, tan chest glistening in the sunlight from the windows. If it was possible, my jaw would have unhinged and fell to the floor. I collected myself and swallowed hard. Why did he have to be so fucking hot?

“’m gonna go...”

My voice was high, I was nervous and my palms were sweating. For a guy who’d just been cheated on, I seemed to have no problem get my sexual urges back.

Even if they were for...well...another guy.

“I’m gonna go make waffles. Want any?”

Jamie asked, he seemed nonchalant and distant. I cursed to myself, if I hadn’t kissed him it wouldn’t be so fucking tense between us. I gave him a simple nod and watched him disapear off into the kitchen.

I sighed, hanging my head in my hands. I saw Mike come from down the hallway. He saw my disoriented state and took a seat beside me, rubbing my back in a big brother way. Ha, the irony.

“Listen dude, she isn’t worth it. She’s a two for nothing wanton slut. Who’s probably a whore who will get genital warts and...”

I chuckled lightly, shaking my head.

“I don’t care about’s someone else...”

My eyes glanced to the kitchen and Mike let out a simple smirk.

“Ahh, Jamie? I knew you two had the hots for each other.”

My face turned red and I shook my head frantically. Shit, I didn’t want him to think I was ...

“Dude, it’s fine if you’re gay. I ship you and him way faster then I ship you and that prostitute.”

I sighed, I couldn’t argue. He was my sibling he knew when I was lying. My shoulders slumped, but Mike’s grin only grew wider. Jamie stepped through the door. 

“Go get him cowboy.”

Mike said with a wink and vanished. I felt myself blush at Jamie’s confused expression as he put the waffles onto the table. 



“Come here..”

I asked, I saw he was hesitant, but he came anyway. I decided to hell with it. I would be bold. I pulled him onto my lap. His mouth opened to protest, but I shut it for him with a kiss. Pulling away and smirking at his wide eyes.

“Have you ever wondered ...what a guy tastes like?”

I was amazed at the words coming from my mouth, but I seriously didn’t care. What did I have to lose? Except you know...our friendship....

I pressed myself against him, pinning his hands above his head.

“Because I want to know what you taste like...”

My mouth latched onto his neck and I could feel his breathing rise. As I pulled away to hear his answer, the door swung open. Ugh, who could ruin a moment like this?!? 

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