Chapter 19

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~Jaime’s POV~

 I let out a long yawn and rubbed my eyes, what time was it? I looked at my phone and saw it was midnight. I sighed and knew I wasn’t going to sleep anymore. I grabbed my laptop and typed up my tumblr. I started scrolling through the posts randomly; laughing at how stupid some of them were, until I saw I had gotten a message. I clicked on it and it read

What about Fuenciado!? What’s going on Jaime??

I stared at the message, confused and clicked on the link. I let out a shaky breath as I saw pictures of Eric and Vic kissing, while Vic was shirtless. I felt tears begin to form in my eyes, so that’s what he had been doing on the bus when I was out with the guys. Eric couldn’t be trusted and I guess Vic couldn’t be either. I grabbed my laptop and got out of my bunk. I noticed that Vic was watching TV and his leg was bouncing up and down, he seemed almost nervous. I walked over to him and slammed down the laptop in front of him.

“What the fuck!?” I hissed. His eyes went wide and he looked up at me. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you two alone, I knew something was going on, Elliott was right.” I whispered, the tears falling down my face now.

“Elliott? What did he have to do with any of this..?” He whispered. "Those pictures aren’t what they seem.”

“Oh so are you going to tell me they’re photoshopped?” I asked in disbelief.

“Well.. no they’re not, listen I didn’t-

“Save it, Vic, why don’t you just go back to Eric, he seems to make you happier than I do.” I spat and ran out the bus door. Shit, where was I going to go? Alan would surely be with Austin, same with Kyle and Andy.. so that left Elliott, I knew he was single and didn’t have any romance in his life. I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed his number, standing outside of his bus.

“Hello?” He answered groggily. I probably woke him up, but I didn’t care.

“E-Elliott, I need to talk t-to you.” I whispered.

“What happened?” He demanded, sounding more awake that he did before.

“C-can you just meet me outside your bus?”

“Sure, just give me a second.” I clicked my phone shut and leaned against the bus, with my hands on each side of my head. I knew it; I knew they had something going on. Eric and Vic had played it very well, I almost believed them, almost. I heard the door open and Elliott walked out and rushed over to me. “What happened?” He asked.

“You were right.” I choked out as he put his arm around me.

“About what?” he asked, confused.

“I saw.. I saw pictures of Vic and Eric kissing, a fan sent them to me, and he said they were real.” I saw him grit his teeth and narrow his eyes.

“I’m so sorry, Jaime.” He whispered.

“We had just gotten together too.”

“I told Matt.. I told him not to trust Eric.” He mumbled. “Jaime I’m so sorry.” He hugged me and I just let all of my tears fall.

“T-the worst part is that I still love him.” I said. I don’t think I’d ever stop loving him, ever. I don’t know how long I was sitting there with Elliott holding me, but eventually I had quieted down and I looked up at him. “Thank you.” I whispered. He gave me a half smile and rubbed my back.

“Anything for you dude, you deserve whatever makes you happy.” He told me. I really didn’t appreciate him as much as I should, he was asleep and he spent however long we were out here with me crying my eyes out. He was a great friend to have, I know Andy would’ve too, but he had Kyle, I didn’t want to interrupt. “Do you want me to beat Eric up?” He joked.

“No, it’s fine, don’t even tell him you know, it’s not worth getting upset about.”

“Then why are you getting upset about it?” he challenged. I opened my mouth and closed it, I didn’t have an answer. I pursed my lips and looked up at the sky.

“You know what I mean.”

“Do you want to stay with another one of the guys?” He asked.

“I don’t think they’d want me there.” I whispered.

“Nonsense, where else are you going to go, unless you stay with me, and I doubt that.” He was right, I didn’t want to stay where Eric was, but I didn’t want to go back to Vic. There were other guys though on the bus, and if I just snuck on, maybe I wouldn’t have to see him.

“Actually can I stay with you?” I asked. He rolled his eyes.

“If you want to I guess.” I snuck onto the dark bus quietly with Elliott. “Dude, is it okay if you stay in my bunk, the others are sort of taken.” I just nodded and we climbed into the bunk together. I heard his phone buzz and he scrambled to answer it. I heard Beau’s voice from above us.

“Elliott, turn off your phone, unless you’re texting your new girlfriend.” He teased.

“Shut up!” He hissed and looked at his phone. I heard Beau chuckle and then lapsed into silence.

“Who’re you texting?” I asked.

“Just.. just this girl.” He mumbled.

“Do you like this girl?”

“Well.. I mean.. kinda.. yeah I do.” He let out a sigh.

“So what’s the problem?” I wondered, what girl doesn’t want a guy like Elliott?

“She’s just out of my league, she’s smart and funny and beautiful.. and look at me I’m awkward and a loser.”

“Shut up, and from my point of view I think you’re pretty good looking, and don’t let that get to your head either. Now get some sleep and text her in the morning.” I told him. He started laughing and rolled his eyes.

“Whatever, Preciado, your flattery won’t help you.” He joked. “Goodnight.”


“Is he in here?” I heard a familiar voice ask.

“Yeah, so what if he is?” That was Elliott’s voice. I looked around the bunk and saw he wasn’t there. I looked out of the bunk and saw that he was talking to Vic. They were the only ones awake and I had leaned farther out than I had thought and I fell out of the bunk. Vic’s head snapped over to me and I just looked at the ground and got up. I slowly walked over to them and I saw Vic’s eyes burning with jealousy. Good, let him feel like that, I would never date Elliott anyway, besides he’s straight, and he’s like a brother to me.

“Thanks for last night, it really made me feel better.” I told him.

“Anytime, Jaime, you know I’m here for you.” I hugged him tightly and then started to walk off the bus.

“And remember, you’re smart, amazing and super sexy.” He rolled his eyes again and I walked out the door. I felt Vic’s eyes on me the entire time.

“Glad you had fun yesterday.” He grumbled. I spun around on my heel.

“I could say the same to you.” I growled and stalked back to the bus. I could hear him running after me but I didn’t care, he had it coming to him.

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