Chapter 21

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~Jaime’s POV~

My phone buzzed, waking me up from a great night’s sleep. I let out a groan and blindly searched for it. I found it and hit the answer button.

“Hello?” I grumbled into the phone.

“Hey, Jaime, can you do me a huge favor?” Elliott asked.

“What is it?” I mumbled.

“Can you meet me outside?” I let out a sigh and agreed. I stumbled around the bus and put on some clothes, trying not to wake anyone up, and walked outside. Elliott was standing there with an uncomfortable looking Phil.

“Um, hey guys.” I said, looking confused. “What’s up?”

“You two are going to hang out today!” Elliott said, smiling. Before I could protest he grabbed Phil and I and dragged us to a small area under a tree with a basket of food under it.

“Have fun.” He smiled and ran off. I sighed, knowing he was just trying to set me up. I should’ve told him that Vic and I were fine now. Phil let out a small yawn and sat down, looking through the food. He took out a sandwich and began eating it. I stared at him intently, why did he pick Phil? Did Phil like me? Oh god no, I couldn’t handle anyone else liking me. Phil stopped chewing and stared at me.

“What?” He asked with his mouth full.

“Er, nothing.” I said and sat down across from him.

“Dude, chill out, I’m just doing this because Elliott asked me and I owed him. I don’t think of you in that way, I don’t know why Elliott would think I did.” He laughed and continued eating. I let out a sigh of relief.

“Oh thank you lord. I was scared for a second.”

“Yeah, I mean aren’t you dating Vic?” I pursed my lips. Okay so Austin can tell his entire band but we can’t tell anyone about him and Alan? We’ll see about that.

“Yeah, we’ve just had a rough patch.” I let out a small laugh. Phil looked at me knowingly.

“I know what you mean, and it’s all cool, don’t worry about it. I mostly came for the free food, and I know Elliott means well. He does have a lot on his plate with that girl right now too.”

“That’s true; anyway, I’m just glad I’m not going on a date.”

“Nah, dude, just two friends eating together under a strange tree.” Phil looked around and shrugged. We finished most of the food until we saw a bag of M&M’s in the bottom.

“Score!” I yelled and grabbed the bag and started eating them. Phil had a smug smile on his face and I rolled my eyes. “Do you want some?” I asked.

“Really? Are you sure I can?” He joked. I laughed and grabbed a couple and threw them at him.

“Dude! Come on.” He laughed.

“Try and catch them next time.”

“Fine, how about if you aim better?” I nodded and grabbed a candy and threw it at him. He caught it with his mouth and I cheered.

“Suck my dick, Preciado!” He yelled and I laughed.

“Sorry, my mom said I shouldn’t put small things in my mouth.” I pointed out.

“Ohhh, touché. That was uncalled for.” He smiled and I continued throwing them at him. He was surprisingly accurate and this, I had to give him that. I got tired of him winning so I grabbed a handful and threw them at his face.

“What now!?” I laughed. He just glared and reached for the bag and we wrestled for it.

“Let go of them, Jaime, or I will punch you in the wrist!”

“W-was that a t-threat?” I asked, laughing uncontrollably.

“It’s a promise.” He glared at me.

“Scary.” I joked and he pinned me to the ground.

“Give it up, Jaime, last chance.”

“Hmm... Nah.” I smirked and he sat on my stomach.

“Get off of me, you’re so fat!” I said. He just shook his head.

“Give me the bag.” He said. I shook my head and shoved him off of me. He fell back and just laid there.

“That’s too much work, keep the bag.” He admitted.

“Way to go, rule number one is never admit defeat.” I said and he just shrugged. I lay down next to him and looked up at the sky. There was a nice breeze and wasn’t that cloudy.

“I should be getting back.” I told him and he nodded.

“Alright, I should be too. It was fun, Jaime, we should hang out again.” he said and I agreed. I walked back towards the bus and saw Vic standing outside of it, looking pissed at something.

“Hey, Vic.” I smiled at him and he just glared. I froze in front of him. “What?” I asked.

“Had a fun date?” He spat.

“Whoa, that thing with Phil? That wasn’t what it-

“Oh really? Because I saw most of it, and you two seemed like you were on a date.” He said, sounding hurt. Oh come on, we hadn’t looked like that? Had we…?

“Look, Elliott organized this date thing with Phil and I and we were all going to-

“Elliott too? What’s going on between you two there?”

“Nothing! Elliott’s straight.” I said, sounding confused, he was even working on a girlfriend.

“Really, because I can’t handle this anymore, why does everyone want you? Why can’t you just be mine?” he asked, looking close to tears.

“Vic, you’re blowing this way out of proportion. Phil and I were supposed to go on a date, but that was Elliott’s doing. It just turned into us hanging out. Phil doesn’t like me that way.”

“Why are you all of a sudden hanging out with Elliott all the time? You two barely even spoke before.”

“I hang out with him because he’s cool.” I informed him. “When will you stop being jealous and just accept I love you and only you?” I asked, hurt that he would even think I was cheating on him...with two straight guys!

“I’m not jealous!” he protested.

“Whatever. When you decide to stop being such a teenager, come talk to me, until then, sort out your crap and calm down.” I said. Vic glared after me and I’m not sure how long exactly he’ll stay mad. I hadn’t done anything wrong, it was just a misunderstanding. I sat down next to Tony, who was eating and watching TV. He gave me a sympathetic smile and I just sighed. I wish things would go back to when everything was just so much simpler between us.

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