Chapter 11

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~~Jaime's POV~~

I knew I couldn't hide in the bathroom anymore, I had already been in here for an hour and I was starting to get stiff. Maybe I could sneak out a back window or something in the back lounge. I opened the door and saw Vic on the couch in the front lounge. He looked like he was close to crying and he was playing with his hair nervously. Did I cause that? Dammit, I didn't want him to cry! Why couldn't this just be easier? I sighed, knowing I'd go over and talk to him, when my phone rang. I saw Vic's head snap over to look at me, but I looked anywhere except his face. I took out my phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, dude! It's Tony!" He yelled over the loud music.

"Hey, Tony, what's up?"

"I just want to let you know, since we're practically almost in London, I have this cute girl that I think you'd like!" A girl? I didn't really want to date right now, but if it would help get my mind off of Vic..

"Sure, when can I meet her?" I saw Vic's eyes narrow when I said 'her'. 

"Just stop at the bar, and you can meet up with her.We'll tell Dylan where to send you. We've got one for Vic too." He said. Vic was going to get a girl too? I looked back over at him, was he even ready for a girl?

"Yeah, I'll tell him." I said. "Mike's waiting outside for you, apparently he has a date for you." I told him. He just sighed and got up and walked out. I felt a twinge of loss, I already missed him. Geeze, Jaime, calm down.

"Cool, see you in a bit." Tony hung up and I sat back on the couch. I wondered who this mystery girl would be, I knew for sure she wouldn't be anything like Vic. I don't know why the guys wanted to set me up with someone that badly. Dylan pulled up to the bar and I jumped off, nervously walking over to the bar. I saw Tony on his phone, talking to someone.

"Yeah, no, he's coming, Andy, chill out. Dude, shut up! I know what I'm doing. Look, it'll be fine, oh, he's here, gotta go." he snapped his phone shut and smiled at me. He had a mischevious look in his eye.

"Hey, Tony." I said suspiciously. 

"Hey, let's go, we got here first, Andy's inside." He smiled again and I walked in, looking for Andy. I saw him sitting at the bar with a beer. I sat down next to him.

"Andy, what's going on?" I asked.

"Why, what did you hear?"


"Oh, well that's a relief." He smiled a knowing smile at me. I pursed my lips, they were all acting weird. What was wrong with this girl that everyone knew and I didn't. I saw Mike walk in with Kyle and...Vic? I didn't see a girl.. holy shit. They knew! I tried running off but I had reached the back door when Andy had picked me up and flung me over his shoulder. I groaned and smacked my face into his back. This couldn't be happening. Andy put me down at the bar, next to Vic. 

"You need to talk this out, and figure out what's going on, right now." Kyle said. "And we'll be watching the door, so good luck running off." He warned, and they walked off. I looked over at Vic who was attempting to hide behind his hair. I sighed and fixed my hair nervously.

"So.." I began.

"Yeah." He mumbled.

"What do you think about me, Vic?" I asked him. He turned to me and sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, seriously, what am I to you?"

"Everything." He mumbled. That threw me off guard, I wasn't expecting that answer, I was thinking 'friends' or 'brothers' Definately not everything. 

"Look, Jaime, I'm seriosuly freaking out here. I know I shouldn't be having feelings for you, but I am! I don't know what to do about it, and clearly everyone else knows except us. And I know you probably don't want to hear this, but I..I think I might..I..

I stared at him, fumbling over his words. Could this seriously be true? Was Vic really about to say he loved me back?

"You might...?" I wondered. He let out a groan and put his head on the bar. I knew this was hard for him to say, it was hard for me too. 

"Can we just go outside for a second?" He mumbled, looking up at me. I nodded and walked out the back door, I knew they weren't watching us, they were probably still on the bus. I shut the door behind us and Vic turned to me and shoved me against the brick wall. My eyes widened as he leaned in closely to my face. "Promise me, whatever happens, we'll still be friends, right?" He whispered. I looked into his pleading eyes and nodded slowly. He took a deep breath and started talking. "Jaime, ever since I've known you I've always felt something between us. Recently it's become more prominent and painfully obvious, though. I just have to tell you, I love everything about you. I love the way your face lights up whenever you're really happy, your smile, your soft hair. Especially your sense of humor, it can make anyone laugh and brighten their day. Not to mention your incedibly sexy body." He said. I felt my face flush and I couldn't look anywhere except his beautiful brown eyes. 

"Vic, I-"

"No, Jaime, just.. just listen." He said. "I really hope this doesn't ruin what we have and I'm sor-"

I cut him off by crashing my lips against his. I heard all I needed to hear, I didn't need to hear anymore. He seemed surprised and his hand wrapped around my neck. I tangled my hands in his soft hair and he pushed me against the wall, there was literally no space between us. His lips melded against mine and they fit perfectly, like they were made for each other. 

"Jaime?" He whispered, leaning back for a second. 

"Hmm?" I wondered.

"I love you." He said and I smiled at him.

"Love you too." I said before attaching my lips to his again. 

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