Chapter Fifty-Three

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(A/N: Hey guys! I love the fact that you guys like the story so far! Keep voting and commenting! Love you<3 It gets better!)


Song for this chapter:

Work- Iggy Azalea


*Rebecca's POV*

I felt someone poke my head and I slowly opened my eyes, it was Gina. "Oh, good morning." I said and she smiled at me. "My mom told me to wake you up because you have to be in work in one hour." She said and I nodded. "Did she tell you how I need to dress?" I asked my younger cousin and she nodded as she took out her iPhone 5 from her pocket. "Black jeans, and a plain black polo shirt." She said and I took off the covers that were on top of me and I walked to the light brown dresser. I pulled out my black skinny jeans and when to the small closet and pulled a polo black shirt from a hanger.

I took my clothes plus my matching black panties and bra and deodorant and made my way to the bathroom. I quickly stripped myself of my pajamas and I got dressed again. I put on deodorant and lotion and brushed out my hair, leaving it in a high pony tail.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face, I forgot to mention, I'm brace less. No more braces for me! I only needed them for nine months and let me tell you, I'm glad I had braces, my smile looks amazing and I can eat popcorn, gum and other things that I couldn't eat when I had them on. But let's be honest, I ate them anyways.

I dried my face and walked back to my temporary room, with my dirty clothes in hand. My cousin was no longer in my room so I grabbed my phone, and my purse when had everything that I needed and I walked two floors down to the kitchen. My cousin and I were the only two people in the house. I guess she knew what I was thinking because she spoke, "I know, but I'm old enough to say by myself and plus, you're here with me." She smiled.

I smiled back at her and walked to the cabinets and pulled out a plain bagel and went to the fridge and put butter on the bagel and grabbed some orange juice.

Gina didn't join me for breakfast because she already ate. She told me that her dad would pick me up soon to drive me for my first day of work. I slipped on my white converse for two reasons, one- I didn't know what to wear for shoes and two- I was wearing too much black for my opinion and against my free will.

My cousin and I started talking, to be more specific, about boys. It started when she told me that she likes one of her friends from school, a boy named Lucas. Then she started telling me why she likes him and she asked me if I like anyone from my school, "No." I said and shook my head.

"Why not?" She asked me curiously. "Because... because I don't." I said and she backed off a little bit, but not enough. "Did you ever have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I did." I said and looked at my shoes. "Did? As in past tense... what was his name? And what happened?" She asked me and I bit the inside of my cheek. I opened my mouth to speak but my uncle beeped the car horn and my cousin and I forgot our conversation and opened the front door. I hugged her goodbye and she wished me good luck and I said thank you.

I got in my uncle's car, shot gun. And he started driving to Starbucks and started interrogating me about my high school and my life. You should know all of this already, you're my godfather bum. I kept repeating to myself but I kept smiling in the outside because I have to give him props, he's making small talk.

I got to my summer job at 11:30 in the morning, it was only a ten minute ride from their house by car. My uncle said to call my aunt when I have to be picked up and I nodded and walked inside. I was greeted by the smell of coffee and other smells that I can't quite identify what they are but with all of the smells combined, it creates this gigantic, amazing, and delicious scent of all.

I nervously walk over to the counter and tell the red headed lady that I'm a new employee. She smiles at me with delight and tells me to follow her to the back. I smile as a "thank you", and follow her into a room labeled "For Employees Only" on the outside. I see a lady, dark brown hair, brown eyes, tall and slim with glasses and she smiles when she sees me.

"Hi, you must be Rebecca." She says as she shakes my hand. "Yes, it's nice to meet you." I said. "I'm Allison, your boss. But follow me so you can get your name tag and your apron." She said as she smiled at me. I followed her to the back of the room and she opened a closet and grabbed a dark green apron that already had my name on the tag. She handed me it and told me that I only re stack the sugar, milks, and straws and stirs. It's an easy job, I didn't even know that they hire people to only do that.

I leave at four o'clock every afternoon. It's a five and a half hour job, not bad. And plus, a get either a free drink or something to eat each day! That definitely had me agree to work. And before I knew it, it was four in the afternoon, so I texted my aunt to pick me up and she said that she'll be here in five minutes, as I waited, I got my free drink, a vanilla bean frappuccino with whip cream.

I saw my aunt pull up in front of the place and I went to the back to dis-apron myself and I grabbed my shoulder bag and drink, then walked to the car. As I walked to the car a boy, a little taller than me, brown hair, light eyes, and some-what tan passed me. I stopped walking and observeded the boy. I thought it was someone I- knew, but it wasn't. He definitely didn't look like Madison at all, well... just the face. I got in the front seat and my aunt hugged me hello and started asking about my first day at work.

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