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NO MATTER WHERE WINNIE LOOKED, the undead were roaming around: around every corner, limping down the street, crowding into rooms

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NO MATTER WHERE WINNIE LOOKED, the undead were roaming around: around every corner, limping down the street, crowding into rooms. The world had changed drastically within a year. There was no law, no medical care, no education - all that is left is the task of surviving. Stealing, running, lying, manipulating, deceiving, and murder are the essential skills; not math, literature, science, and history. To most of the world, this disaster has changed the world for the worse. However, Winnie Parkinson and Daniel Black thought differently. They had to survive on their own, and it made them feel free. Nature welcomes everyone, but death welcomes everyone as well.

The petite brunette walked along side the black-haired man who towered over her, gripping the machete tight in her right hand. A rifle was slung over her back with a full magazine and spare ammo in her rucksack. Daniel kept his knife in his hand, his pistol tucked away in his belt. His bag was filled with supplies the two collected at the last pharmacy they looted.

"There." Winnie said, pointing to the tall building that seemed to not be surrounded by the undead. "We still have a decent amount of daylight left, we can loot at least the bottom floor then find somewhere to hide out." She suggests, Daniel flashing her a smile. "What's with the pearly whites there Danny?"

"Oh nothing." He says, chuckling. She squints her eyes, starting to glare dagger at him. "Okay, I'm still laughing at you falling out of that tree this morning!'

"Oh my god! You were the one who didn't tie the knots tight enough! You wanted me to fall, you asshat." She laughs, starting to jog towards the building.

"No, but.. it was funny so maybe I did." He smirks, running his hand through his oily hair with a slight chuckle. She allows herself to laugh as they turned the corner. She stopped dead in her track, grabbing Daniel's arm tightly. In front of them was a huge herd of the undead, slowly making their way into the city of Atlanta. "Holy fuck, I don't remember ever seeing that many."

"We have time to loot, but then we have to book it." She tells him, turning on her heel and running down the sidewalk. "Enter from the back or the front?"

"I'm more of from the behind kind of gu-"

"Danny!" She snaps, looking at him with slight frustration, but overall she needed that laugh and he knew it.

"From the entrance; we can block it up after entering then sneak out the back." He says as Winnie pulls open the glass door slowly. Daniel holds his pistol level with his eye as he takes slow steps into the department store. Winnie slides in, quietly closing the door before picking up one of the mannequins legs from the floor and slide it through the handles. She slides her knife into the holder, walking towards the shelves that were still halfway stocked.

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