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THE CLEANUP OF DISASTER took the group the rest of the night and well after sunrise

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THE CLEANUP OF DISASTER took the group the rest of the night and well after sunrise. So many of their people had died and the impending argument was not going to help their morals. Winnie wasn't close with everyone, but she could tell they were good people. They accepted Daniel and her when they needed it, yet they were rewarded with mourning. Everything seemed as if it was going downhill. Sure, the world as they all knew it ended, but there were still hopes of creating a new one. That was gone now, especially after this attack. No one would have that optimistic lookout anymore.

Winnie walked over to another body that was scattered among the camp. She grabbed the wrists and began to drag the body toward the fire, biting the inside of her cheek. Dead bodies were not uncommon, but the body of people she was beginning to know was a new sight to see. Once she got to the pile of other bodies near the fire, she gently rested the woman's body against it. Glenn placed his hand on her shoulder, Winnie looking at him. "Take a break Winnie, you've been going all morning."

"I'm alright, I just need a minute." She tells him, putting her hand on his. She did need a break, she knew it herself. But she couldn't just rest. She didn't deserve it. Good people lost their lives. She wanted to help pay them respects.

"You can't take a minute if you pass out." Glenn argued. "Daniel is coming to help. Please, take a break."

"Yeah, yeah alright." Winnie smiled slightly, patting his hand before glancing around the camp. She found saw Dale, Lori, Shane, and Carol sitting around the burnt out fire. Andrea was still knelt over Amy, refusing to move or speak to anyone. The only movement she had made was to aim a gun at Rick in his attempt to talk to her. Winnie didn't blame her. She didn't know how she would react if she lost Daniel or Daryl. She made her way over to them, standing on the left side of Rick. Before she could even make a suggestion, Daryl walked over.

"Y'all can't be serious. Let that girl hamstring us? The dead girl's a timebomb!" Daryl argued, a bloody pickaxe rested over his shoulder. Winnie shook her head, crossing her arms and looking down at her feet.

"What do you suggest?" Rick sighed, shaking his head.

"Take the shot. Clean, in the brain from here. Hell, I can hit a turkey between its eyes from this distance." Daryl rebutted. Winnie looked up at him, shock on her face. "What?!"

"What if that was me?" Winnie snapped, glaring at him. "You'd just take the shot and move on?" Daryl just stared at her before scoffing and walking off. Winnie ignored the concerned looks from the people around her and covered her face with her hand, letting out a deep breath. Daryl was a difficult one to understand, especially because he had a wall put up and no filter.

"What are you doing? This is for geeks. Our people go over there." Glenn's voice echoed from beside the large fire being fueled by the bodies being fed into it.

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