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MORALES PUSHED OPEN THE DOOR, the rest of the group jogging onto the rooftop

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MORALES PUSHED OPEN THE DOOR, the rest of the group jogging onto the rooftop. "Hey Merle, are you crazy?!" He shouted, Merle firing off more rifle rounds to the walker herd below while bellowing in laughter.

"Hey! Y'all be more polite to a man with a gun! Huh?" He chuckles while jumping off the ledge and back onto the rooftop. "Only common sense."

"Man, you wasting bullets we ain't even got!" T-Dog shouted angrily. Winnie and Daniel walked onto the rooftop after Rick. She looked over at the scene and gasped quietly, grabbing Daniel's arm.

"Winnie?" Daniel asked, looking at her. She opened her mouth the speak, but it was if all her vocabulary vanished. He glanced over at the fight breaking out and realized what she saw. "Holy shit."

"I-I thought he'd be dead Danny." She breathed out, scoffing slightly. She should be thrilled that her oldest brother was alive, but she felt something else. Anger. Sadness. Anything but relief.

The two were snapped out of shock when Merle punched T-Dog with his rifle, sending him stumbling back. "Come on Merle, that's enough!" Glenn shouted as Rick hopped over a pipe to get closer. Winnie began running over, Daniel right behind her. Merle changed his attention from T-Dog to the sheriff, socking him in the jaw. Rick fell over the pipe, groaning and holding his jaw.

"Stop it! Dixon get off him!" Andrea pleaded with the deranged man. Winnie stepped off the wired bridge and jogged over to the scene. "Dixon, you gonna hurt him!"

"Merle!" Winnie shouted, going behind him and attempting to pull him off. With no luck, he brought his elbow back and hit her straight in the ribs. She groaned, stumbling and hurting the ledge that kept them from falling 50 stories onto the asphalt ground.

"You alright?" Daniel asked the dirty blonde, placing his hand on her shoulder. She nodded while holding her side, looking at her brother with genuine fear. No matter how mad, or wasted, he had gotten, he never laid his hands on her. That was their father's job. Everyone fell silent. The sound of rumbling thunder was the only thing breaking it. Merle finally put away his pistol, only after spitting on T-Dog.

"All right! We're gonna have ourselves a little powwow! Talk about who's in charge. I vote me! Anyone else?" He announces, T-Dog taking the chance and crawling back towards Andrea, Morales, Glenn, and Jacqui. He looked up and waved the pistol around, a menacing smirk on his face. "Huh, democracy time huh? Show of hands, huh? All in favor?" Morales was the first to slowly raise his hand. "Yeah, tha-" He began while his eyes fell on Winnie and Daniel. "Holy shit."

Winnie glared daggers at him. If looks could kill, he'd most certainly be dead. "Long time, no see. Asshole." She growled. He just smirked and laughed, shaking his head.

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