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THE SUNLIGHT SHINED THROUGH THE TENT, Winnie groaning as she turned over in the sleeping bag

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THE SUNLIGHT SHINED THROUGH THE TENT, Winnie groaning as she turned over in the sleeping bag. She could hear people chatting and the kids giggling. She laid on her back and opened her eyes, staring at the ceiling of the tent. As much as she wanted to stay cuddled up in the warmth of the sleeping bag, she was excited to have story time with the kids. She glanced to her right to find Daniel not in the tent. "Alright, alright. I'm up." She sigh while standing up. She changed into some jeans and a tank top before stepping out of the tent.

"The princess has awoken from her beauty sleep!" Daniel teases while hanging up the last of the clothes Carol had washed. She rolled her eyes and walked over to him, kissing his cheek. "You sleep alright?"

"Wonderfully." She smiles. "You?"

"Pretty well, although... your snoring kept me up." He responds while nudging her side. She winced slightly and glared at him. "Shit, sorry." He apologized quickly. She cracked a smile and nodded. "But seriously, I'm glad you slept well. Knew you needed it so I let you sleep. Carl and Sophia were playing anyways, they didn't seem to mind."

"Thanks Danny." She hums and squeezes his shoulder before walking towards the RV. She saw Rick chatting with Glenn before he patted the young kid's back and walked in her direction. "Morning, Officer Friendly." She greeted with a smile. "I never got to thank you."

"For?" He asked with the tilt of his head.

"Volunteering to go into that sewer with me." She reminded. "I know Danny or Glenn would have gone down with me, but... Danny is protective, always have been. And it seems like Glenn is the go to for things no one wants to do." She explains. "Anyways, thank you."

"No need to thank me." He smiled. "I wasn't gonna let you go down there alone. There's power in numbers." He assured her. "How long have you known Daniel?"

"Since I can remember. When I told you since birth, it may have actually been. We've always been attached at the hip." She tells him while glancing over at Daniel chatting with Carol. "He's a good guy, a really good one. Helped me survive when I needed him." She continued. "Anyways, how old is Carl again?"

"Thirteen." He replied while the two walked towards where Lori was folding dried laundry.

"Wow... I would've thought he was older. I guess the end of the world does that to people. He seems like a good kid. Keep him that way." She sighed. "Also, was it your idea to give Glenn the getaway car? Because if you told me that was part of the deal, I would have gone with you." She jokes, Rick chuckling while looking over at her.

"If it didn't rain it wouldn't have gone that way. But, he is extremely unhappy that Dale is taking the parts out of the car." He laughs while the two walk over to Lori.

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