ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ

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Jaebum's POV

'So close yet so far, he's almost fucking MINE! Jaebeom calm down, I can't pounce yet, not with his idiotic friends here'

"Hey Jaebum, want some fries?"

"Err uhm sure heh"

'I'm sharing food with my baby, how wonderful, AFAGAG our hands just touch, don't make it awkward Jaebeom, Oh god he's offering his drink too, I'm gonna faint'

"So Jinyoung's neighbour what was you doing at the amusement park?"

'Can't this ugly ass skinny rat butt out of my LIFE?!'

"I'm a photographer, I like to take pictures of things, beautiful things"

'Like my beautiful wonderful baby JINNIE!!'

"What's so beautiful about a 25 year old park?"

"Mark can you stop asking so much questions, he has a right to be here like everyone else"

'He's smiling at me omg omg OMG. I didn't take my pill, I need to calm down before I flip out, smile back Jaebeom just smile naturally'

Author POV

Jaebum smiles back at Jinyoung for defending him. Mark tuts and grabs onto Jackson's arm tighter

"Whatever, anyways where are we going next?"

"Well the mirror maze is right there, let's see how long it takes to escape there"

Jaebum suggests, Jinyoung nods his head in agreement

"BORINGGG, come on Jackson, let's go on that really high ride over there!"

Mark points to the ride with the most loops and highest drop. Before Jackson could get a say, he was dragged off by Mark

"We will meet you in a couple hours Jinyoung, keep your phone close!!"


Jinyoung shouts back before facing Jaebum and sees the man was staring at him the whole time. He gives him his eye wrinkle and a big smile

"Why are we still sitting here, let's go"

Jaebum's POV

'The gods must be on my side today, I have him all to myself, so far we've ate from the same plate and we've indirectly kiss via the straw, plus the strawberry shampoo he uses is so pungent, I can smell it from here. I'm in love'

Time skip

Author's POV

Jaebum and Jinyoung are walking around the park after being on many rides. As they walked the approach the merry go round. Jinyoung's eyes light up and he grabs Jaebum's hand to pull him towards the ride

"Just one more then we are done"

"Anything for you"

Jaebum whispers back low enough that Jinyoung couldn't hear. Jinyoung heads onto the horse and looks out at Jaebum who is sitting on a near by bench

"Hey! Take pictures of me Jaebum"

Jinyoung giggles as the ride starts

Jaebum's POV

'He is a man with a child's heart, so pure.'

I take out my camera and get some good shots of the boy on the ride

'These will go in my happy Jinyoung collection' *snap* *snap* *snap*

Author's POV

Jinyoung runs back to Jaebum after ride finishes.

"Let's go home now, I'm tired"

Jaebum ruffles Jinyoung's hair and walks back to the entrance of the park. Jaebum looks at the time and realised the buses stopped running now so he'd had to drive him back, which was no problem as they are neighbours. Jinyoung starts to stumble as his eyes can't keep open so Jaebum picks him up bridle style and allows him to fall asleep in his arms

Jaebum's POV

'There is a part of me that wants to wreck this peaceful look on his face and take him as mine own forcefully but there is another side of me that knows not to touch this precious piece of beautifulness, why is life so complicated'

Author's POV

Jaebum places Jinyoung in the back of his car and places a blanket over him, a blanket that belonged to Jinyoung anyways but was stolen by Jaebum because he wanted his scent with him all the time. He fixes his mirror so that it's on the boy and starts to drive home.

When he arrives at their houses, he lifts Jinyoung outside the car and uses the key that he got cut from Jinyoung spare key and opens the door. He quietly walks up the stairs and heads into his bedroom to lay him there. He grabs some PJ's from Jinyoung's third draw and starts to change the boy

Jaebum's POV

'I'm lucky he's a dead sleeper or I'd be screwed, now I need to carefully peel his T-shirt off... wow his chest, so clean, untouched, his little pink and perky nipples, I wanna suck... don't get carried away Jaebum, you need to hurry up... now his pants, I just need to peel these off... holy shit wow, I've never been so close... I NEED TO TOUCH... stop stop stop... holy fuck okay, just put the clothes on and leave Jaebum'

Author's POV

Jaebum finishes dressing the boy then tucks him in before leaving the boy in his slumber. Jaebum parks his car in his driveway and heads into his own home.

Jaebum's POV

"Fuck I have a boner, time to get the naked Jinyoung collection and that blanket from my car"

Jaebum leans back on his headboard of his bed with pillows support him. He wraps the blanket around his nose and mouth and opens his photo album in front of him. Groans are heard from the male as his hand strokes himself. Jaebum deeply inhales to grab the smell of the blanket, he flick through page after page of the stark naked boy in different positions, his heart rate increases with every flick of his wrist, every inhale, every turn of the page; he was on a high. After all the stimulation, his eyes roll back and he releases on his stomach and his own hand. Jaebum calms down his racing heart and heads to shower

"You will be mine one day, just wait"


I apologise if this was a little disturbing and if this makes you uncomfortable then don't read this, similar things will occur in this book.

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