ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇɪɢʜᴛ

812 58 23


Jinyoung wakes up but he expects darkness but instead as he opened his eyes, the light blinded him making him instantly close his eyes again. He groans, rolling in the covers like a child and rubs his eyes


Jinyoung freezes, his memories are become more clearer, and he remembers where he fell asleep, it wasn't here.

"Good morning"

Jinyoung turns his head to look at the man behind him and his eyes widen in fear. Jaebum was laying next to him, leaning his head on his hand, staring at him, Jinyoung shakes his head and shuffles back on the bed. Jaebum chuckles forward. This continued until Jinyoung ended up falling off the bed and hitting his head. Jinyoung groans in pain then crawls to the wall to sit up on. Jaebum lays on the end of his bed staring at the boys ass as he crawled to the wall.

"Come here Jinyoung"

Jaebum requested but Jinyoung shook his head. Jaebum chuckles again and repeats what he said but gets the same response. Jaebum's eye twitches in irritation and he takes a deep breath.

"You don't wanna get hurt right?"

Jinyoung nods eagerly

"Well you do as I say and I want you to come here, I'm speaking calmly, do you want me to shout so early in the morning Neongie?"

Jinyoung closes his eyes then slows crawls back to the bed, Jaebum shuffles back to make room for him so he can lay back on the bed.

"If you misbehave, then you will go back in the basement, do you hear me?"

Jinyoung slowly nods, he didn't want to go back in that cold, dark place, he would rather be here with Jaebum. Jaebum reaches out to touch Jinyoung's cheek but Jinyoung flinches and avoids his touch

Jaebum's thoughts

He's mine, I can do what I want with him, why does he have a choice, let me live the life I want

"Let me touch you Jinyoung, are you really disobeying me?"

Jinyoung feared Jaebum but he was also uncomfortable, he didn't want to be touched by him, he would feel more dirty than he already is. Jaebum tuts when there is no response then he drags Jinyoung nearer to him and straddles the boy. Jinyoung looks up and starts shaking his head when Jaebum gets closer to his face



"Maybe I should just force myself on you then if you don't want to be compliant"

Jaebum whisper shouts in his ear and Jinyoung starts to whine and cry loudly. His body kept shaking about to avoid Jaebum kissing him or doing anything.


Jaebum slaps Jinyoung's cheek, Jinyoung stops moving and holds his cheek in shock.
Jaebum then wraps his hands around his neck and starts to choke him

"I said you must LISTEN TO ME, BE A COMPLIANT BOY AND THINGS WILL BE GOOD but you don't want to be, you want to be a little man and disobey"

Jinyoung grabs onto Jaebum's arm trying to detach the hand from around his neck. He slowly was running out of breath and couldn't breathe. Choking sounds came from Jinyoung's voice box, not being able to say anymore and Jaebum waits until Jinyoung turns another colour before letting go and getting off the boy.

Jinyoung gasps immediately grabbing all the air he could and filling his lungs again. Jaebum goes under his bed and grabs a box labelled 'toys'. Jaebum opens it and grabs a paddle, it was normally used for table tennis or ping pong but to Jaebum it had a different purpose.

Jaebum grabs the gasping boy, lifting him and  places him in his lap laying him on his stomach. He pulls off the boys jeans and boxers exposing his ass, white and untouched. Jinyoung was screaming and squirming but Jaebum had tight grip.

"I want you to count to 16 and if you mess up, it starts from the beginning okay?"

Jinyoung still cries and screams as the paddles strikes him on his left cheek


"Good boy"

The paddle strikes his right cheek and Jinyoung screams in pain


"There you go baby"

Jaebum strikes his left cheek again


And eventually he gets to 16 and Jinyoung has stopped screaming because his ass went numb but you could still hear him whimpering and crying. Jaebum lifts the boy to make him straddle him and he looks at him, wiping his tears

"You took your punishment so well baby, can you do something for me?"

He moves Jinyoung to sit on his hard dick, he had gotten a boner while giving Jinyoung his punishment and he wants it to go away now. Jinyoung was still crying and whimpering from his punishment but Jaebum stopped caring, he wanted to satisfy himself. Jaebum was in his boxer shorts while Jinyoung's bottom half was bare so Jaebum moves up, grinding himself on Jinyoung, feeding pleasure to himself. He hugs Jinyoung close and lays his head on his chest as he rubs his erection on Jinyoung's ass. Jinyoung was not getting turned on one bit, he just sat there while he was getting gyrated by Jaebum. Jaebum moved faster and harder until he cums in his pants. He lets out a satisfying sigh and looks back at the boy on his lap, his dick was still limp and he was still crying. Jaebum tuts

"Alright crybaby, go and take a shower, you need it for your dirty ass, I'll go to my other bathroom, there is clothes waiting in there for you and also a present in a small box, put that on or should I say 'in you' then come down for breakfast."

Jaebum pushes Jinyoung off him and leaves the room.


Don't hate me, it will be over soon

Thank you for reading <3

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