ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɴɪɴᴇ

734 51 22


Days go by and Jinyoung has become compliant to Jaebum. He thinks if he does then he would live without getting shouted at or injured, also he never wanted to go back to the basement ever again. One night, while Jaebum was in the shower, Jinyoung decided that it was his chance to leave his house after being here for 7 days. Jinyoung put his shoes on and quietly headed to the front door. He then slowly and quietly removes all the locks from the door. He almost succeeded but by time he was on his last lock, Jaebum was waiting behind him

"I told you not to leave yet you still try to leave me"

Jinyoung lets out a shake breath and doesn't turn around

"It looks like you enjoyed your punishment and want another so I'll give you want you want"


(Skip if you need to)

Jaebum grabs the younger by his waist and lifts him up, bringing him to his bedroom. He grabs his box full of 'toys' and grabs a snake skinned black whip. Jinyoung shakes and cries as he sees the object in Jaebum's hands.

"I won't stop until I see blood"

Jaebum pulls off Jinyoung's bottom half and slap him just to test out how sensitive his ass was then binds his hands and legs together. Jaebum sits back to look at his canvas and starts to work on his 'art'. Jaebum flings the whip over and over striking Jinyoung's ass over and over. It took 37 whips for blood to start springing up from his sore ass, this excited Jaebum.

"I. Said. To. Stay. Put. Asshole. "

He continued and hit the bleeding body part 20 times more then goes close to Jinyoung. Jaebum whips out his cock and jerks himself off on top of Jinyoung, releasing all over the cuts and bruises on his ass. He releases Jinyoung's bounded hands and feet.

"Go clean your self up I'm tired"

Jinyoung whimpers as he limps to the bathroom

"You're lucky I didn't fuck you on top of that, bastard"

As Jinyoung enters the bathroom, he releases all the sobs he held inside while receiving his punishment. He knew he didn't deserve it but he had to find a way out soon.

Jinyoung cleans and plasters his wounds and takes a shower. After his shower he heads back to just sleep everything off. He lays on the opposite side of the bed, when Jaebum tries to touch him, he flinches and shifts over.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, I give you a decent live and you can't even do anything for me?"

Jinyoung looks at the man and shakes his head

"You've given me nothing but misery and pain"

Jaebum tuts and he feels the anger run up to his head

"I feed you, I give you a roof over your head, I take care of you"

Jinyoung shakes his head again

"You hurt me, I'll never like it here"


Jaebum closes his eyes and takes a deep breathe

"Unappreciative ass, I'll teach you a lesson"

Jaebum strips Jinyoung forcefully, fully naked this time. Jaebum locks his room door and strips himself

"You will get it tonight"

And that night Jaebum raped Jinyoung.


I couldn't bring myself to write a r*** scene it's awful :( but 3 more chapters left, I'm sorry for not updating sooner

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