ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ

791 73 75


Author POV

*Ding dong ding dong* Jinyoung's bell rings at his front door, it took a minute or two for it to register in his sleepy mind that someone was outside his house. He rises from the bed and stretches before leaving his room. He reaches to his front door and looks through the peeping hole to see the Markson couple waiting outside. Jinyoung takes a deep breathe before opening the door to let them in.

"Jinyoung-ah! Good morning!"

"It took you long enough to open the door"

Jinyoung tuts

"I was sleeping Mark and good morning Jackson"

Jinyoung walks into his kitchen to make himself breakfast, his friends closely follows.

"Hey Jinyoung, don't you wear those Pjs at Christmas only? What's the special occasion?"

Jinyoung didn't understand what Mark meant but after looking at the garment he was in, he realised it was true.

"I- I have no idea, I normally put on my blue Pjs on weekends"

Jinyoung knows that even if he's tired that he will still get his Pj order right, it was one thing the boy took pride in (AN: Weird, I know)

Mark shrugged his shoulders and helps himself to some cereal

"Jinyoung also you know your neighbour took you home right?"


Jinyoung wondered if it was Jaebum that changed him but instantly shook the thought out of his head

'Everyone makes mistakes, it's just a dumb mistake I made'

"I knew you'd abandon me, what if I get kidnapped one day?"

Jackson raises his hand in innocence, they both know who really wanted to ditch Jinyoung. Mark was stuffing his face when the other two males were piercing their eyes into his soul. He chokes a little and apologises to Jinyoung

"Don't apologise when I get kidnapped Mark"

Jinyoung tuts before making his breakfast.


After breakfast they watch movies in Jinyoung's living room, Jackson suggests American pie but Mark refuses; they end up watching it anyways. When the boy starts fucking the pie on the kitchen counter, Mark teases that Jinyoung will end up like that in the future; Mark received a slap in return

"You know Jinyoung, the threesome offer is still open you know, you are hot"


"Mark you suggested it in the first place so shut up"

Jinyoung watched the couple argue and interrupts them saying he still refuses to take part in such an act with his best friends.


It was 1pm when they decide that they've had enough of movies and wanted to play some games. Jinyoung and Jackson sit on the floor whilst Mark decides to take up the whole sofa because he was 'tired'. They were both playing mariokart and Jinyoung was winning. Jackson couldn't let that side so he puts down his controller and starts to tickle his friend next to him. Jinyoung was really sensitive so he fell instantly and started to laugh really loud, Jackson tickles him until tears sprout from his eyes

"Jack-son p-please!! You win AHH"

Jinyoung couldn't breathe so Jackson lets Jinyoung go and finishes the race before him. Jackson gets up and starts to cheer

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