ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sɪx

710 57 26

Before this chapter starts I would like to say

1. Don't hate me for this
2. I'll try my best with writing these scenes and future scenes but this will be a first for me so bare with me
3. Sorry for being late with updating
4. If you are looking for fluff you won't get it for a longggggg while, sorry not sorry?

Violence ⚠️

Let's begin!


Jinyoung wanted to make things right and since Jaebum brought him food, then he would do the same. Jinyoung gets up, puts on his apron then grabs his phone

Google search: how to bake chocolate chip cookies

Jinyoung wanted to bake cookies then bring some to his neighbour to break the awkwardness. They were neighbours and were meant to be friends, sure Jinyoung realises his crush for Jaebum but he wanted to put that aside and make peace. After baking the cookies he makes himself presentable for Jaebum then leaves his home to give Jaebum his cookies.

Jaebum hasn't been keeping up lately, he's been updating his blog and he was drinking too to try and get rid of his frustration but it didn't help much. He was typing on his computer when he hears his doorbell ring. Jaebum wasn't decent looking enough to show himself to anyone with being in a mans vest and boxer shorts but he wasn't in the mindset to care, he was still a little tipsy and on edge from last night's drinking session. So when he opened his door and saw the person he was avoiding holding cookies and giving him his eye whiskers with a huge smile, it triggered a little something in his brain.

Jinyoung stared at the male in front of him, he expected Jaebum to be a little more cleaner in his presentation but that didn't bother him too much

"I made some apology cookies over, if you have milk we can have cookies and milk"

Jaebum was itching his head, trying to process what the boy was saying, all he heard was silence as he just focused on the boys plump lips that he kissed a few weeks back and wondered how it felt to kiss them again

While Jinyoung waited for an answer he looked past Jaebum and looked inside his house, this was the first time he saw the interior as Jaebum's curtains are always drawn and if he ever knocked on his door, he would cover the view using his body but not today. Jinyoung analyses them sees something that made his eyes bulge out of its sockets and pushes pass Jaebum to look closer. As the object he saw got bigger and clearer, his eyes widened more and more.

"Is this..."

He picks up the frame with shaking hands, its a picture of him sleeping in his bed. He looks around and sees lots more frames, it's pictures of just him, some naked, some when he was eating, some when he was reading. The plate of cookies drops and the plate shatters.
Jinyoung looks over to Jaebum and fear fills his body to the brim.

"Who are you?"

"Why is there pictures of me like this on your wall?"

Jinyoung starts freaking out and starts to panic, he couldn't be there any longer and tries to leave but Jaebum slams his home door shut and blocks the door with his body.

"Jinyoung just listen-"

But Jinyoung wasn't listening, he was hyperventilating and he's kept ripping everything off jaebum's walls, he sees the cameras facing his window and throws them all on the floor. Jaebum grabs his own hair in frustration and repeats

"just listen just listen just listen"

He hears the crashes and breaking of picture frames and electronics and something in Jaebum's head just snaps like when someone stepped on a twig


Jaebum ran out of patience and grabs the boy, throwing him in his basement. Jinyoung lands hard on the cold concrete flooring, his body becomes numb from his fear and the temperature of the floor, he was angry but didn't dare move a muscle.

"I HAVE YOU FINALLY, you don't know how long I HAVE WAITED"

"You are mine Park Jinyoung, you have no one to run to, you have NO ONE BUT ME, MEE!"

Jaebum slaps his chest hard. Jinyoung frozen in fear, stares right into Jaebum's eyes, trying to find the same caring and gentle eyes he saw at his home a couple weeks ago, but that was long gone, his eyes was darker and dull

Jaebum is out of breath, he slowly walks closer to the shivering boy, looking at the fear he shows in his eyes

"If you want to live a good life here with me, then I would suggest you do as I say"

He turns around and locks the door leaving Jinyoung in complete darkness


*Runs away*

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