ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғᴏᴜʀ

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Jinyoung wakes up and freshens himself before making his usual pancake breakfast. It's been a few weeks since he's left his home, he hasn't heard from the Markson couple which wasn't a surprise for him as they were still in their lovey-dovey stages of their relationship; Jinyoung would still appreciate a call once in a while though.

Jinyoung usually isolates himself in his home so it wasn't too much of a big deal, he is rarely on social media and doesn't have any other friends apart from Mark, Jackson and you could say his neighbour Jaebum.

Jinyoung thinks back to when he helped Jaebum bandage his hand on his porch, he hasn't heard from him or has seen him leave his house since that incident and hoped he was alright.

Jinyoung sits on his stool facing the counter top and starts to eat his pancakes, humming a sweet tune to himself and taking in his surroundings. His mother isn't home, in fact she's never home, she claims that living nearer to work is convenient and Jinyoung didn't want to move as he was close to his high school so she ended up buying an apartment for herself and sends Jinyoung pocket money every month to provide for his needs and to pay the necessary bills.

Jinyoung washes his plate and heads up to his bedroom, he grabs the novel he was currently reading and sits on his desk chair before diving into his novel. Reading was one of the things that comforted Jinyoung, some stories even relate to his own situation so in a way it shows he is not alone in this world

Jaebum's POV

What's Jaebum been doing for the past few weeks? Well apart from his usual stalking, he is a photographer full time, he has his own blog where he would take pictures and put a short story to each one. His viewers loved his short stories and asked him to compile it in a book, so he did that and he's now a bestseller. He sold over 1 million copies of his short stories making him pretty well off for cash. From dropping out of school in 7th grade, you'd think he had no future but with him reading a novel a night he was bound to learn something. So at age 23 he was a best selling author and his gets paid for his blog too.

After uploading one more story, he decides to take a break, he grabs a bottle of water, a pack of crisps and his camera. He settles in his chair by his window and uses his CCTV cameras in the boy's house to find his location.

"Hmm he's in his bedroom reading, so beautiful"

He swivels around to the window again and angles his camera to where the boy was sitting, his view was perfect since the boy was sitting right next to his window.

*snap snap snap*

"The concentration on his face as he's reading, is he trying to distract himself?"

Jaebum understands Jinyoung's situation to a certain extent, he knows he's lonely and he knows that the boy has no friends other than those two annoying boys so when he sees Jinyoung like his, he knows that he's trying to push his feelings aside by reading, to give him a distraction from what he's really feeling.

Jaebum sighs and puts down his camera

"My baby isn't okay, I know what to do"

Jaebum gets up and heads downstairs to his kitchen, he grabs his ingredients and starts cooking


Jinyoung's POV

*Ding dong*

Jinyoung is startled by the bell of his door, he questions himself about who it could be, he didn't expect anyone to come over, nor did he order anything. Jinyoung heads to his front door and looks through the peep hole to see his neighbour. Jinyoung gasps a bit from surprise then opens the door

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