The mission

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Artemis's POV

I was about to walk into the living room of Mount Justice when I heard the hushed whispers of Batman and Robin. "No way! I have to go on the mission. Batgirl too." Robin said.

"You know exactly why the two of you can't go on the mission," Batman told him. "You can't just leave the team in Gotham. Why can't we just take care of it?" I  put a hand over her mouth to stop the gasp. Batman was giving us a mission in Gotham. And he wasn't going to let Robin go on it!

"Because we can't risk always being out with you know who at the house. Agent A can't keep covering for us," Batman said. I could practically hear the glares being exchanged. 

"Fine!" Robin finally said. "Just like that?" Batman asked, not in a surprised way but just curious. "Yep I don't really want to go on the mission, rich kids are brat," Batman sighed a little "you got that right." Robin laughed, "but in my opinion most kids are." Batman said, "rude." Robin said.

"I should probably brief the team on the mission." I finally thought it was time to go in. "On what mission?" I asked. "Meeting room. Five minutes."

Seven minutes later...

"So let me get this right. You want you to go undercover, enroll in a Gotham's Prep school, because there is a mole from a secret Gotham Organization there?" Wally asked. "Yes." Batman confirmed. "Dude- I mean Sir that's so cool!"

"Why would the Court of Owls want to infiltrate the school any way?" Kaldur asked. "They are attacking the business people and politics of Gotham's soft spot. There is very little people won't give for their children's safety."

"Dang, then why don't you just warn the school?" I asked. I would got so far as to call the people in the school my friends, but I still knew them. "Because we don't know when the attack will happen. And we won't find the mole or find out what the Court of Owls was going to get from this."

"So like do you have any information about the mole?" Wally asked. "A male student currently enrolled in the school. The mole is supposedly the apprentice of the Talon who is being groomed to someday replace him. So watch out, if he suspects your on the him." Batman left it at that.

"And Robin can't go on the mission?" "Robin as his own top secret assignment." Batman said getting up and leaving. "Dang. Rob so what's your secret assignment?" Wally asked. And I wondered if it had something to do with what I had over heard.

"Can't say. But I should probably go work on it now. Have fun in Gotham." He said clacking as he left the room.


Ok so I wrote this original to put in my one shot book, but then after writing half of it I realized it is WAY too long for that. So I just made it a separate story.

And I know the picture doesn't really fit the story but it's cute... so I don't really care.

Also I have waited till now to post this because I'm going back to school tomorrow (sighs. WHO MAKES THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL A FRIDAY? Ignore my rage) and I thought it would be fitting.

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