Principals office

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I feel like I've used this picture before in another story and it's not related but like whatever. And the chapter really isn't too related, but like I couldn't come up with anything better.

Wally's POV

After watch Dick in the hall I barely made it into my next class before the bell. The next class I didn't have with Dick, god bless cause I would have no idea what to say to him, but I did have it with Kaldur and Megan.

And much to my disgust Dick's bullies. The plumb teacher sat in a chair in the front of the English class room. She called us up and introduced us and give us a course articulation. And then just had use read Romeo and Juliet. Which read it all within the first 6 minutes of class. Luckily Megan set up a mind link so we talked the whole period.

My next class was math. I walked into the class not surprised that this was yet another class I had with Dick Grayson. He has the bright smile like he had that morning. I figured the bullies would have beat that off but I guess not.

Speaking of them they sat across the room. I sat behind Dick and was about to ask him about what I saw but the teacher called me to her desk. She explain everything they had been doing and assigned me some assignment and a textbook while the rest of the class turned in their homework.

She then went over notes of the lesson distance formula blab blab blab. After about half the class of that she said we could get started on the homework and she sat down at her desk.

I finished three of the 'make up' work assignments, before she said, "Andrew Young get up here now." I turned to see the bully get up from his seat and saw that Dick was smiling. Not his normal smile but something sinister.

I watched as the bully walked up and said, "what is it Mrs. Alex?" "This homework is unacceptable. Batman is not the proper answer to any math problem and I do not tolerate vile language in the short responses question. Go up to Mr. Winn's office now."

He turned glaring at Dick. "Your dead meat." He mouth and Dick was just smiling. He had set him up, Dick knew the bully would take his homework.

I thought of what happened back in the hallway, Artemis wouldn't let me step in cause it would blow my cover. But what if that exactly what Dick was doing. Not wanting to blow his cover. He was smart and conniving. I can't believe almost fell for it. The bell rang and I ran out to lunch to find the team.

Megan's POV

We all met in the eating pavilion for lunch. But Kaldur decided it would be best if we talked in the mind link not wanting anyone to listen in.

'Guys I think I might have found or mole!' Wally exclaimed. 'Really?' Artemis asked. 'Who?' I asked. 'I think it's the Grayson kid.'

'Not this again. I thought I already showed you that it can't be him.' Artemis said, and I wonder why I haven't heard about this earlier.

'Just hear me out I have actually reason why I think he is. Ok so for starters he's really smart, multilingual, and he has these weird scars on this hands. And he's an out cast from literally everyone at this school. And I know what Artemis is thinking, earlier today we watched him get beat up by bullies who took his homework-' 'you saw what?' Asked Kaldur, 'and you didn't do anything?' Asked Conner. 'Wait just hear me out. Artemis said we couldn't do anything cause it would blow our cover. What if it's the same way for him?! What if he doesn't want to blow his cover of being the agent?! Today in the class the kid that took Dick's homework got in trouble. Because of what was written on it.'

We were silent for a moment. 'That actually doesn't sound that far fetched.' Artemis said after a minute. 'It actually makes a lot of sense,' said Kaldur.

'We will look more into it today at the mountain but I think Wally might have caught our mole.' 'Yesss!!!' Wally said.


Ok so I know that this chapter is short then usual, but like it was either that or make it super long, and I'm lazy so I just made it short but hopefully it won't be that long before I post again.

So till next time I update.

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