Jason Todd vs the Young Justice team

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This picture actually goes along with the chapter I swear... well okay it doesn't, but like it could. This picture is how I imagine Jason going to school the morning this chapter takes place. So it's related.. BOOM!

Honestly I don't know why I try so hard to justify the pictures I use. I doubt you guys even care if it's related. By now you probably all know any A/n before the chapter is just me talking about the picture. And you all skip over it and go to the story... what was I talking about again? Doesn't matter no ones reading this A/n anyway. And if you are let me just say, your a real one.

Robin's POV

"Dude where are you?" Wally through Miss M's mind link. "I'm here." I respond simply. I knew all the great hiding place in Gotham academy see as I went here for almost 5 years.

"Hey Robin can you see us?" Conner asked. I glance at them in the courtyard from where I'm hiding on the roof top. "Yeah," "isn't the boy sitting on the bench left of us Grayson's brother?"

I waited to give my response, pretending like I was looking and thinking even though I already knew the answer. "Yeah, that's Jason Todd."

"Maybe we should go talk to him," Megan said uncertain. "Yeah," Wally said.

I had mention my friends to him briefly thanked god I never mentioned their names, but still if he put two and two together.

"Um..Wait! Maybe not all of you should go. It would make it seem like an ambush," I said rushing to find an excuse. Though I wasn't sure why. They weren't friends with Dick Grayson their are friends with Robin and Jason only knows Dick Grayson. Neither of them could accidentally slip up and reveal my identity.

"Robin's right," Kaldur said. "Wally and Megan go, the rest of us will wait here. Turn on your coms so the rest of us can hear what's happening." "Got it." Wally said and started to walk towards Jason. I felt myself hold my breath. Then reminded myself there was nothing to panic about and let it go.

"Hey, we heard what happened to Dick, we were wondering if you have heard of any breaking through in the case," Wally said smoothly.

Jason looked at them disgust. And I realized how easily the team and him could get into a fight. Jason is... well the nice way to say it is he is an impulsive, hot head that rarely thinks before acted. I could already imagine the fight breaking out.

But Jason's expression quickly changed. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" He said in a silk voice, and I couldn't resist the urge to smile. I haven't known Jason for very long, and as stupid as he is some times, he has grown on me.

"I suppose not. We are new here. Dick gave us a tour yesterday." Megan said trying her best to explain quickly. "So have you heard about any breakthrough?" Wally asked again, impatiently. I thought he hated me- Dick. It's touching to see how concerned he is.

Jason's glare was back and in a harsh whisper, as if he didn't want passers by to hear, he said, "I will not help you use my brother's safety has something to gossip your way to popularity." And with that he walked away. I smiled, I think that was the first time I ever heard him call me his brother.

"Well that was rude." Wally said via the mental link. "Not really, trust me I go here. A lot of people would kill to get their hands on some juice drama that they can use as a platform to popularity at this school." Armies explain the frown resonating in her voice.

"That's just messed up." Conner said. "Yep," I agreed, knowing everything Artemis said was true.

The first bell rung out. "Well we have to go to class." Wally said sighing. "Ok, I'll keep my eyes piled for anything out of the ordinary."

I snuck around the school for a while, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Then I noticed the library was closed. Sure it might not seem like a big of a deal, but out of all my years at Gotham academy I have never seen it once closed.

I went through the back careful to stay quite. The librarian was tied up and knocked out. Okay now I knew something was up.

"Guys I think I found something." I said in the mental link. "Really!" Wally said excited. I looked at the center of the library and saw the white figure by what looked like.... a bomb. Oh crap.

"Guys you need to get to the-" But I was cut off by a siren. "Red alert, suspicious actives near the campus. Teacher are instructed to keep at kids in class and do not let them out for any reason. The school is now on lock down. The school is now on lock down."

"That can't be a coincidence." Conner said. "Robin what do we do?" Megan asked. Crap, crap, crap, what to do? There's a bomb, with the young talon, and the team can't get to me. I took a deep breath, now is not the time to panic.

"You're going to have the stay put, I'll keep an eye on him but won't engage until you guys can get out." "Ok" they respond. I looked up but the white figure was no longer in my sight. Then I heard a voice from behind say. "Hello Robin." Crap.


I know the title isn't really related to what happened but I thought it would be funny to put so... I really should just started doing chapter numbers instead.

Sorry for the late update, again. School sucks.

ALSO HALLOWEEN 👻 🎃 IS ALMOST UPON US. My favorite holiday, I was going to write some short Halloween Young Justice one-shots but I doubt I'll get around to it.

Well anyway hope you guys have a great rest of the weekend and until next time I post.

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