dick Grayson

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Wally's POV

The team, minus Robin of course, stepped out at the front gates of Gotham Academy. "Is this really where you go to school Artemis?" Megan asked, "yep," Artemis replied looking glumly at the gates.

"It's so formal," Megan said looking down at her skirt. "I hate this suit," Conner grumbled. "I don't know I think it makes you look dashing." I told him, then flashed Artemis a smile. She just rolled her eyes.

"Let's go," said Dinah. She was our 'legal guardian' for the principal. As we walked to the front office I could hear whispers following us. Of course it was one of 'those' preppy school.

"Artemis you're already enrolled so you don't have to come," Dinah informed here. Artemis nodded, "great cause I have homework to do." And she left.

Dinah walked us to the office. We sat outside the room while Dinah went in to talk to the principal. I sat fidgeting, the guy was probably in there thinking who in Gotham would adopted 4 teenage kids.

A moment later he walked out laughing with Dinah. "So these must be the wonderful kids. Hello, I am Mr. Winn your new principal." He was old, over 50 with gray hair, but he didn't seem to have any winkles. (A/n I don't know the actual principals name so I just made one up.)

The door to the office opened and a black haired boy walked in. Out of boredom I found myself watching him. He talked to the ladies at the front desk. I couldn't hear what he said but they started to laugh.

Then he looked over at me see me staring. He flashed me a bright smile. There was just something about him that made my blood boil.

"Ah Richard, come over here for a moment." "Ok students this is Richard Grayson. Richard this is Conner, Megan, Kaldur, and Wally." "Pleasure to meet you." He said holding out his hand to Kaldur. Kaldur, I could tell, was fighting not to raise an eyebrow as he shook it. He did the same for the rest of us.

Oooh I hated him. "You won't mind give these kids a tour would you?" Mr. Winn asked him.

Please say no, please say- "Not at all Mr. Winn." He's voice smooth and polite. Ugh I already couldn't stand these rich brats.

He started to lead us off and out of the corner of my eye I saw him look back at Dinah and wink. She just laughed.

When we got outside he said, "this is the front office. If you ever need to talk to an administrator. Or to turn in your volunteer hours this is where you would come."

He continued the tour doing the same thing with three other building. Not only said what it was, but explaining what it was used for, listing off the teachers in it, what the building made out of, the excalty angle it is from the ground. And I realized not only was he a rich, obnoxious, jerk but on top of that he was a know it all.

I felt Megan step up a mind link and me and Conner said at the same time. 'I hate this kid.' 'I don't know if I hate him but his so boring," Megan told us.

'This is why I never come to Gotham. Thick and conceded brats like him.' 'Or cause your too afraid of Batman.' Conner taunted. 'Hey, It is rightfully deserved fear.' They all mentally laughed.

"Hey Dick." A voice called, it took me a second to see the guy was talking to Richard. "Hey Jason," Dick called back waving. "What are you doing?" "I'm give some new students a tour." The other guy eyed us for a second and frowned.

"You have fun with that," Richard chuckled shaking his head. "Ignore him," he told us continuing on. 'That's was rude.' Kaldur said. "Yeah it was,' I agreed. 'Why did he call him dick, does that-' Conner started but I cut him off. "So Dick?" I asked aloud trying to keep the mental conversation strictly G.

He laughed, "it's a nickname." "Oh?" Said Conner still not getting it. He laughed again. "No, Dick is a nickname for someone named Richard. It's a really old thing for a really old name." He shrugged. "Oh," said Conner. As though he finally got it.

Dick which I found more suiting did the boy laughed again. "Don't worry everyone thinks the same thing at first." "I'm not sure-" Megan started and Kaldur said, "trust me. You don't want to know."

"So Dick how long have you been here have you been here at Gotham Academy?" Conner asked trying to change the subject. "Umm.. since I was nine." "Why Gotham Academy though don't you get sick of the uniform?" I asked, be simply He shrugged.

"You know what they say Gotham Academy, it's the safest school in Gotham." He rolled his eyes, "it's not like Bruce was going to let me go any where else."

'I thought that you didn't call your parents by there first name.' Megan said sounding confused. I frowned in disgust. 'Your not supposed to.' I saw Artemis walking towards us.

"Hello Artemis how are you-" Dick started but was cut off by Artemis. "Grayson," she said frowning. So she didn't like him either. Score!

"Hey Arty." I said. "Grayson you wouldn't mind if I borrow my friends would you?" She asked. Ohhhhh burnnnnn, I thought.

"Not at all, the tour was over anyway. See you guys around." He said waving and then disappeared in the crowd.

"Ooh I can't stay him." Artemis said. "Same! He's just so ughh." I said, "right!" she replied. She seemed to notice the thing about dick Grayson. I couldn't describe it. He seemed almost familiar, but I don't know way.

Dinah walked out of the office doors. "Great I found you, I forgot to give you your schedule." She hand us each a sheet of paper and I frowned down at it in disgust.

Ewwwwww I was put in a Latin class. Not only that, but a Latin two class. "I don't know Latin." I told Dinah. "Yeah sorry about that I couldn't get them to change it. Don't worry Robin know Latin he can help."

I sighed. Robin would be great here. He would be bashing on the Grayson kid with me. I couldn't wait to tell Rob all about him. Artemis laughed looking down at my schedule. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"You have almost all your classes with Grayson." I frowned. Eww. But before I could express my disgust, the bell rung signaling the start of first period. The team split off to go to their classes. And I realized I didn't know where my class was. Shoot I probably should have payed attention to Dick.


I don't know how many of you noticed the title of this chapter, but the low case d in Dick isn't a typo. :)

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