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When we get back to the plane and takeoff, I look for Dariela. When I find her she is in the cargo bay area of the plane, packing a bag of her's. "We're happy to drop you wherever you want. Unless you'd consider staying..." I smile as I walk up to Dariela. She just ignores me and keeps packing, "listen, I know we have our differences, but I think we can use someone like you."

"Because I shoot stuff for a living?"

I shrug, "among other qualities."

"I want to get back to my unit. The military is what I know, it's home to me. But after everything I've seen."

"With all the animals..." I nod.

"Not just the animals," Dariela shakes her head, "at the train station, I saw a U.S. general murder one of his own men."

"A U.S. general?"

"Yeah, before Jackson and Chloe got there."

I take out my phone and pull up a picture of General Davies, "is he the man you saw?"

"Yeah, that's him. He thought the soldier had stolen files from Eleanor something. Whatever they were, he wanted them back badly."

"We need to get to Chloe," Dariela and I walk through the plane and find Chloe in the dining room area, "hey Chloe, do you still have Eleanor's laptop?"

"Yeah," Chloe looks up to me a bit confused, "right here, why?"

"We need to check the files on it."

"A U.S. General killed one of his own men because he thought he had them," Dariela takes a deep breath.

Chloe nods and opens the laptop, starting it up. It doesn't take her long to find what we're looking for, "I've got a link in one of her deleted files."

"You think it's what Eleanor wanted to talk to us about?" I cross my arms as I took over her shoulder.

"Could be."

Dariela and I sit next to her. When the file loads it shows a map of the world, "what is this thing?"

"Some sort of demonstration. This is how many animals they expect to eliminate with the Noah Objective."

Dariela points to the screen, "what are those white dots?"

"Those are human casualties."

"Oh, my God," I put a hand over my mouth, "over two million people will die if the Noah Objective goes forward. And Davies knows it."

"So General Davies knows his big animal solution will also kill millions of people. What the hell are we gonna do?"

I shake my head, "we're gonna stop him. By any means necessary." As I say this the connection is lost. Chloe and Dariela go off to tell the boys about what's happening while I look through Eleanor's files and finally come across something. I walk into the lab area to tell the group, finding Jackson and Mitch, "hey guys, I got something."

"Kat, you gotta see this," Jackson turns to me, "Mitch found a link between Kovacs and the mutated animals."

I look over to Jackson, "does that link include you?"

"Busted," Mitch comments.

I turn to Mitch and then back to Jackson with almost murder in my eyes, "listen, I'm sorry." Jackson sighs.

"We agreed not to tell anyone," I sigh.

"I know what we agreed to, Kat, but Mitch agreed..."

"All right. Ross, Rachel. I see where this is going. I'm not interested in taking that ride. Women don't like to be lied to," Mitch looks over to Jackson.

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